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  1. junco

    Who names their fish?

    My wife named all our fish after the lost cast based on there personalities.
  2. junco

    My Lion

    Originally Posted by MX#28 What are the other fish in the tank? Is the lion still swimming erratically? Porc Puffer, panther and white spotted groupers, huma huma, hippo, tomamto clown and a koran. The Lion is still swimming erratic. Almost like he is off balance and he is trying to correct...
  3. junco

    My Lion

  4. junco

    Favorite Movie About Fish

  5. junco

    My Lion

  6. junco

    My Lion

  7. junco

    My Lion

  8. junco

    55gal me pick last fish!

    Originally Posted by NEreef how can you justify adding a fish to a 55 that gets longer than the tank is wide? how about a sixline wrasse instead? I stand corrected. A 55g is to small for a fully grown hippo. I started thinking about color, active and non-aggressive and lost sight of the tank...
  9. junco

    55gal me pick last fish!

    Try a Hippo Tang. Real colorful and active. It also comes with some personality and will get along with what you have.
  10. junco

    Good beginner book

    Originally Posted by metweezer The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner Thats what got me started. Good read.
  11. junco

    A Quick Opinion

    Maybe someone can give me there opinion on what the best water test kits are on the market for accuracy.
  12. junco

    porckupine puffer

    Originally Posted by slackjawed mabey how big is he now?if he small would work short term .mabey a year or so I would have to agree. These suckers fully grown are known to be 11+ inches.
  13. junco

    whats your favorite fish?

    Here is my favorite!
  14. junco


    Originally Posted by indigobluetc SO how much and when should I do it? I would do 10% changes every few days until your parameters level out.
  15. junco


    These fish are mostly none compatible with other clowns. They are IMO the most aggressive anemonefish. They should be kept singly or in mated pairs. There is plenty of reading on the species on the net. Check it out, it will be helpful . good luck.
  16. junco


    Originally Posted by MaDdEsT I also want to know if I can put different butterflies together, would they fight? Depends on the species that you want to put in the tank. Some are more aggressive towards one another then others are. It is species specific.
  17. junco

    Another Goby Question

    Originally Posted by aquaguy24 how old is the tank and how many gallons..diamond gobys need at least a medium sized tank that is they are shifting the sand they are lookn for little critters to eat...well anyhow maybe an engineer goby..but i never had one so im not sure how they...
  18. junco

    Another Goby Question

    I am looking for advice on a really hardy Goby. One which will keep the substrate super clean. I have had 2 Diamonds so far and both had died. It is the only fish soI have had no luck with. My parameters are fine in the tank. What are some thoughts?
  19. junco

    Growing out ideas for a 75

    Originally Posted by slackjawed triggers think lions are!!pick them apart in no time. It's been 6 months that there together. No problems, but i'll have to keep an eye on them. Thanks for the heads up!
  20. junco

    Growing out ideas for a 75

    Originally Posted by FishInPhilly I would be VERY careful of the trigger/lion combo. Both great fish, but you will most likely end up with just the trigger...after he murders your lion in cold blood. I have had no problems with the combo. Got them in a 150 w/ plenty of room for the two of...