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  1. poisonmywell

    Increasing the depth of sand?

    When I started my 50 gal, I didn't realize how deep the sand bed needed to be. I'd say its only about an inch. How harmful/difficult is it too add sand to a tank thats alread going. I've got about 45lbs of live rock, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 damsels and a rusty angel. I don't wanna disturb the guys...
  2. poisonmywell

    Ok....what are these things?

    lol. thanks, i never expected it to be algea. lol. Naw, when I broke it it as out side of the tank. kinda funny cause that crap squirted accross the room. :D
  3. poisonmywell

    Ok....what are these things?

    Alright, I can't take a picture of them cause my camera isnt here. but all over my live rock there are these dark green balls. their not real big but not tiny either. I've picked one up before and it pretty hard, but if you squeeze hard enough, it will burst and a liquid will come out. Only...
  4. poisonmywell

    New fish not eating/what else to feed?

    Perhaps mysis shrimp would be a better choice rather than brine? plus the seaweed select stuff...
  5. poisonmywell

    New fish not eating/what else to feed?

    2 days ago I bought a bi-color angel for my tank. He looks really healthy, good color and everything. He just seems really timid. He swims around a bit now, but usually just finds one place to chill out in the rock. I know since hes new, it may take a bit before he gets really acustom to the...
  6. poisonmywell

    New fish not eating

    2 days ago I bought a bi-color angel for my tank. He looks really healthy, good color and everything. He just seems really timid. He swims around a bit now, but usually just finds one place to chill out in the rock. I know since hes new, it may take a bit before he gets really acustom to the...
  7. poisonmywell

    well...its been what?

    Originally posted by jakob4001: <strong> clowns are damsels</strong><hr></blockquote> yes..I know....but I was refering to the "generic" damsel. :D
  8. poisonmywell

    well...its been what?

    Thanks for the replies. I may go with a couple of clowns. BTW, my tank is a 50 gal. Not really anything I could keep cool tangs in, but I figure it'll look pretty good after it setup.
  9. poisonmywell

    well...its been what?

    Well, if there one good thing about being broke, its the fact that you don't have any money to rush things on a tank. I've had my tank up and running for about 5 months now with live rock and all. Everything seems to be going good. Im about to get some crabs, snails etc. after that I was going...
  10. poisonmywell

    Other hobbies

    Making my Ls1 Z28 camaro one fast mofo and going around and letting hondas (and other ricers) feel the wrath of REAL power! And Recording (music) Having nothing but expensive hobbies kinda sucks. :(
  11. poisonmywell

    I need some suggestions.

    Alright, thanks for all the advice. Yeah, all those packages with like 50 crabs and such seemed kinda odd, for a newer tank anyway. Plus, it kinda chilled me to think of spending $100 on crabs lol... But thanks again, I now have an idea of what kind of critters to put in there.
  12. poisonmywell

    I need some suggestions.

    I've been letting my tank cycle for quite some time now. the water is coming along pretty good. Its about time I start adding things....but not fish yet. I mean like the "clean up crew", snals, crabs etc... I have a 50 gal. What would be good to introduce into this future reef tank? How many of...
  13. poisonmywell

    Quick question

    About how long does it take for live rock to cure? I bought mine a little over a month ago. Im not expecting much now, I was just wondering. Theres brown algea growing in places. Some on the glass and sand. Also a bit on top of the rock. Also, whats a good start if I wanting this to be a reef...
  14. poisonmywell

    Some good eel news...and a quick question.

    I posted a few days ago about a missing eel that I later found crispy on the floor. :( But I got another after I "eel proofed" my tank. At first, I thought I had lost this one too. But he revieled himself a few days later. since then, he hides 50% of the time and the other 50% he spends half...
  15. poisonmywell

    woohoo! got my

    Well....I found him....lets just say it wasn't in the place I was hoping for. :( Any other tips on keeping them in the tank? theres 2 openings. 1 for the filter and 1 for the heater. the heater is fairly small, but I think thats where he got out, since I found him in the general area. Also...
  16. poisonmywell

    woohoo! got my

    Well, I removed and look under all of the rock in the eel. So Im betting he did, just haven't found it yet. How came I eel proof my tank? theres only 2 openings at the top, one for the filter and one for the heater...hor can I prevent him from escaping?
  17. poisonmywell

    woohoo! got my

    Okay, I got my snowflake eel on sunday. The first couple of days he was kinda of active, hiding but where you could see him. Actually ate too. well, he found a spot under a rock that you can't see, I thought nothing of it. I havent seen him in a few days now...tuesday actually. I went to feed...
  18. poisonmywell

    Okay, I did some research, but Im still confused.

    Would one MH/PC combo pendant light my tank suffeciently?
  19. poisonmywell

    Okay, I did some research, but Im still confused.

    NM reef, Was fitting all of that on the tank an issue? How do you have it setup? I just look at my 50 and can't see how i'd fit 6 bulbs on there? Of course Im getting rid of the 2 10 gallon hoods on there now, I was just going to get the glass tops for it. I've found the fixtures for the Power...
  20. poisonmywell

    Okay, I did some research, but Im still confused.

    I figured i'd save this board from any more of my dumb posts by doing a little research. But I did, and it only raised more questions. Im looking at what Im going to have to upgrade my lighting to. I was looking at the power compacts first. What would I need to suffeciently light my 50 gallon...