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  1. jeffg

    Powerhead question

    Thank you - so maybe 2 600gph
  2. jeffg

    Powerhead question

    I have a 46g tank with a Fluval 305 canister filter and a protein skimmer. I don't currently have any powerheads and have a red slime algae issue. I want to add a powerhead. Is a hydor 1250gph to much for that size tank (36 inch wide)?
  3. jeffg

    Algae problem

    Thanks - is there a certain kind of power head that you would suggest?
  4. jeffg

    Algae problem

    I have a new 46g FOWLR tank that has been up for about 8 weeks now. I have 72lbs of live rock and also have live sand. I got a new Current sundial T5HO and in the past couple of days have had MUCH algae growth. From what my LFS tells me it is red slime. I also have alot of green/brown on...
  5. jeffg

    Black Longspine Urchin

    I am thinking about getting one of these. I am wondering if it will do OK with a Valentini Puffer? Also, interested in anyother comments anyone might have regarding this urchin.
  6. jeffg


    Thanks Justin. I just became a member and am glad that I didn't complete my profile yet as I live in Columbus, Oh and am a proud Graduate of OSU. Probably would not have gotten your response. Good luck next week #3 - State College is my #2 Big Ten team!
  7. jeffg


    I am looking at purchasing a Sundial T5HO 36" for my 46 gallon fish only tank. Anyone have an opinion on this light system?
  8. jeffg

    Lighting system

    OK - I found a Sundial T5HO 36" that has dual built in timers for my 46 gallon tank. It's $220. This is a fish only tank with 72lb live rock- no corals and at this point I don't intend to get corals. Is this too much light for the fish (or is there such a thing as too much light)?
  9. jeffg

    Lighting system

    I think I'll check out your suggestion and wait to see if I get corals down the road. Thank you so much for taking the time to help!!!
  10. jeffg

    Lighting system

    I'm really just looking for something that will show the colors better but if I guess it wouldn't hurt to get something that could support corals in the future. At this point, I would have no idea what corals I would look at getting.
  11. jeffg

    Lighting system

    No - I'm just a beginner so thought I would keep it at fish only. I have 6 fish and a couple of invertebrates.
  12. jeffg

    Lighting system

    Thanks - what kind of lighting system would you recommend for $200 or under $300?
  13. jeffg

    Lighting system

    Hello - I have a 46 gallon bowfront tank that is 38" wide and my current light system is a hood with 1 flourescent tube. My tank is fish only with 72lb of live rock. Can anyone recommend a better lighting system that wont break the bank?
  14. jeffg

    Yellow Tang - somethings wrong

    Thanks to everyone for your advice. I have been feeding it seaweed and formula 1 and 2 and until yesterday, it has been eating just fine. At this point the tang is about 4" in size. I guess I will just take him back to my lfs.
  15. jeffg

    Yellow Tang - somethings wrong

    I have a Yellow Tang that is not eating and has some discoloration (white - not spots) around its gills and eyes. It is also swiming eratically on and off. My tank info is as follows: 46 gallon 72lb live rock and live sand Only 6 weeks old but cycle seems to be complete 8.2 ph nitrite, nitrate...