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  1. fla. keys

    Catch 22 Question

    Ok, I want to achieve good coraline growth on my live rock(purple) so I need to run a great deal of light? However the more light I run and the longer I run it daily the more of the long green algea I get growing on everything like powerheads and even the sand bottom. If all I have in the tank...
  2. fla. keys

    What does it mean if.....

    On all of my powerheads and some of my live rock, I am getting alot of green long almost seaweed looking algea growing. It looksw like small plants. I clean the tank about once every 10 days or so but this seaweed looking stuff comes back in full force? Help.
  3. fla. keys


    Right now my tank is just a reef. 125 gallon I am thinking of adding about 4 or 5 seahorses to other fish. Please tell me what kind of problems I might run into with feeding and anything else??????
  4. fla. keys


    Right now my tank is just a reef. 125 gallon I am thinking of adding about 4 or 5 seahorses to other fish. Please tell me what kind of problems I might run into with feeding and anything else??????
  5. fla. keys

    how to setup best reef w/ best fish

    don't use crushed coral, it is awful, go with the sand.
  6. fla. keys

    Water Question

    Hello, 2 questions: #1-Is using distilled water okay in my tank? #2-How much of a difference in quality is there between distilled water and R/O water? I started my tank (125 gal) with regular tap water but since then(3 months) on all my water additions, I have been adding R/O water that I get...
  7. fla. keys


    I did use too much kalkwasser about a month ago for 2 times straight. My milky situation on the glass thogh is nothing that appears scrapeable. Just a cloudy haze. If it is from kalk is it something that will dissapear say in another month. ANy ideas. Fish and live rock are alive and well.
  8. fla. keys


    OKAY, here is the situation. 125 gal tank. Inside of the glass is covered in a milky white film that will not come off with algea brushes OR a razor blad. If you run your hand over the inside of the glass it is smooth to the touch.( Not like anything is caked on that can just be scraped off) It...
  9. fla. keys

    Mr. Salty Please Help Me

    Thanks, I tried that with no luck. This is not raised stuff. When you run your hand along the inside of the front of the glass it is smooth to the touch not rough. It is just like a milky white film I think from calcium? Have no idea how to get it off but has been on there for about 3 weeks now
  10. fla. keys

    Mr. Salty Please Help Me

    Could you answer my question I posted on here today (the only other post I have today) You are the expert of experts and I value your opinion. HOW DO I GET THE WHITE FILM OFF OF THE INSIDE OF MY ALL GLASS TANK. I THINK IT IS FROM THE KALKWASSER BUT I HAVE TRIED SCRUB BRUSHES AND NOW I AM...
  11. fla. keys


    If the white haze on the glass is NOT calcium what might it be? Secondly, Lets assume it is calcium from over kalking, How do I get it off the glass. I am telling you it is not coming off. Will it eventually disolve itself off the glass or is this permanent. Lastly, will a razor blade scratch...
  12. fla. keys


    are you saying that by just not adding calcium for a while that the stuff on my glass will eventually wear off? I want to be able to view my tank and right now I cant see inside because of the white film. If anyone knows how/technique to use to get the white film off or an additive I can use...
  13. fla. keys


    I have a serious problem and ALL suggestions are appreciated. In my 125 gal. I have been using kalkwasser and one or two times I must have used too much because there is a WHITE FILM COVERING ABOUT 50% of the glass on my tank and this includes the front glass.(All-GLAGG TANK). I have tried to...
  14. fla. keys

    Prices for RO water

    Most super wal-mart stores have a r/o machine with the re-fillable bottles handy. 33 cents at mine. They usually keep 1 gal, 3 gal or 5 gal jugs handy. These machines are almost always in the section where they sell sodas.
  15. fla. keys

    Prices for RO water

    Just wondering what people are paying per gallon for RO water???? I get mine at Wal-Mart from the Culligan water machine at .33/gallon.
  16. fla. keys

    Tank Question

    Does anyone know where to purchase or a website to order a CANOPY for a 125 gallon tank(72 inches/6 foot long)?
  17. fla. keys

    Evaporation Question?

    so I should not think that it is due to a leak in my tank, just a normal event?
  18. fla. keys

    Argomax Milk?

    Has anyone heard of or had experience with a product called Argomax Milk? It is a calcium supplement. Is it good or bad, pro's/con's. Also how essential/good is this product I see people talk abouut on hear called B-Ionic? Where can I get some if it is good?
  19. fla. keys

    Evaporation Question?

    so it is not so unusual if I am adding about 2 gallons every 3 days? I have 1 pc of 130 watts 1pc of 96 watts 1 set of 50/50 48 inch double light stip(80 watts) and 1 30 watt 36 inch light strip. All sit right on the glass canopy.
  20. fla. keys

    Evaporation Question?

    In an average day in a 125 gallon tank, what is the normal amount of water I will lose to evaporation. It just seems like I am filling up the water quite often and certainly alot more often than when I had my 75 gallon set-up?