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  1. clarence miller


    i do you get rid of hair algea i tryed alot but nothing is working what should i do all leaves are good and was useing tap water but now r useing ro b/c the phosaphats were to high any info will help alot thanks
  2. clarence miller

    info on clams

    i am thinking about buying a clam for my 55 gallon reef tank i have 440 watts of vho 2 bule 2 white is that good to keep a clam sucfully and if is what care do they need any info will help alot before i buy one b/c i would not want to kill him so thanks 4 ant info anyone can give me:D
  3. clarence miller

    hair algee

    anyone know how to get rid of hair algee i am doing water changes 1 time a week 5 gals form a 55 gallon reef tank all levels are good even got 5 trobo snails the mixcan kind and 1 Eram crab or dose it take time for the higher light form 110pc to 440vho could that cause it any info will help alot...
  4. clarence miller

    Looking to buy 24"lighting

    i have a light pc twin 2x55 sell it 40 u pick it up or pay 4 shiping and handlen
  5. clarence miller

    WTB small live rock pieces in MI

    i do how many rocks for how many pices of frags
  6. clarence miller


    i went to the lfs to get my water tested and my phosphates where off the chart how do i lower them without hurting my corals it seem like when i upgraded the lights on the tank thats when it happen i have all this red slim all over and 100s of air bubbles to also what is a refugium i heard this...
  7. clarence miller


    what kind of clean up crew can i put in my reef tank that wont get eaten up by my eel any info will help alot thanks:D
  8. clarence miller


    i have some bubblealgee in my reef tank and is there any way to get rid of it the promble i have is that i have a snowflake ell in the tank so i cannot use crabs is there anything i can do without getting rid of the ell thanks any info will help alot:D
  9. clarence miller


    is 440watts of vho to much 4 a 55 gallon reef tank any info will help thanks alot:D
  10. clarence miller


    do you change water in a reef tank or no if so how much and how often any info will help thanks:D
  11. clarence miller


    i tested my reef tank today and all my levels are good but my alk is at 5.5 is that to high and my cals is at 650 should i drop that to and my ph is at 8.6 is that to high or will that be fine also do u change water from a reef tank the l/f stroe told me you dont have to but do you any info...
  12. clarence miller

    lighting in 55 gal

    a sepeden star or a reef safe star
  13. clarence miller

    lighting in 55 gal

    the cho chip star will eat your shrooms how do i know this b/c i had one do it to me though i let you know
  14. clarence miller


    i have about 75pounds of live rock in my 55gallon reef tank and some of my live rock has color on it and some dont the tank has been up for about 5 months and it seems like the color is not takeing off dont make any sences all my corals r doing fine and all of my water leves r good but my cals...
  15. clarence miller


    what kind of light do you need to keep a rad brian coral alive and where should it be place at in the tank any info will help alot thanks...
  16. clarence miller

    copperband butterfly

    hey why wont you answer the post do u not know the answer or something and u say you dont want to be rude well guess what u r:mad:
  17. clarence miller


    what kind of light dose a red brian need???????
  18. clarence miller


    i just bought a red brian today and i was just wounding if it could survie in my tank i have a 110 watt p/c over half of the 55 gallon tank and 30 watts on the other side for my mushrooms thats where i keep them but i got the brain on the sandbed right under the light will it be ok thanks for...
  19. clarence miller


    i have 25 mushrooms 4 tpye of corals i dont the name of2 candy corals some button ploups some purpul cloves and 2 others i dont know the name of all of me levels checkout fine but my cal is at about 750 i was told u can keep it that high all of my corals are doing fine and my plans are to set up...
  20. clarence miller


    what do you put in your reef tank what kinds of chems do u use and how high do u keep your cal rate what is to high just wounding b/c i want to know if i am doing it right thanks for your time and coments:D