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  1. shyshko08


    I currently have a Humu Humu Trigger fish in my 120g reef with zero problems. I also had a niger trigger which committed suicide not to long ago but had zero issues with him also. I have the humu humu with the following fish/invertibrates: Yellow Tang Scopas Tang Valamingi Tang 6 Chromis 2...
  2. shyshko08


    Technically is should be cycled, but to confirm you need to do water tests before putting any livestock in the tank.
  3. shyshko08

    live sand

    No, you would not clean the sand if its live.
  4. shyshko08

    Tarz's 45gal. Diary (Upgraded to 120g)

    The new 120 gallon, re-aquascaped the rock and added a new niger trigger frish from Aquarium Center! Hes the biggest baby in the world. No problems with him yet. (I've had him for about a month now.)
  5. shyshko08


    These are before and after shots of my corals after about 1 year (8-11 months).
  6. shyshko08

    Tarz's 45gal. Diary (Upgraded to 120g)

    ts been about year since I last posted anything about my tank. There has been many addition since and heres just a few. Let me know what you think!
  7. shyshko08

    custom 1300g to 1400g saltwater tank need some help

    Originally Posted by IbanEz I made my judgment based on the question you asked, not to mention your abundance of grossly misspelled words. If you can't spell warm, know, filtered, because, couple, hundred--you will probably have trouble maintaining a fish tank that big. And if you don't think...
  8. shyshko08

    I Need Help With Designing My Sump/refug.!!!

    Heres a video of my sump up and running, let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions
  9. shyshko08

    Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT! Heres a long over due update of my tank, It been over a year now lol. Let me know what you think.
  10. shyshko08

    green algae ?

    Originally Posted by drsteve2001 not sure if this is a diathom boom, tank has been up and running for almost a year minus about 5 months ago coverted to sand from CC. this is green and is very hard to scrub off..maybe because i waited to long to scrub it. Is there any particular snail that...
  11. shyshko08

    I Need Help With Designing My Sump/refug.!!!

    Hey guys, its been a while since I posted but my sump has been up and running for a few months now and its working flawlessly, I'm gunna put up a video of what it looks like in a few minutes! Thanks for everyone's help!
  12. shyshko08

    Refugium contents and lighting

    Originally Posted by Tim514 Do you have to have LiveSand in your Fuge? Yeah about a 5-6 inch bed
  13. shyshko08

    Refugium contents and lighting

    Originally Posted by Ryancw01 Yes...just put them in a bag and throw them away. Now is it bad to have the cheato take up most of the refugium, I would think that would be more efficient in absorbing the extra nutrients from the water.
  14. shyshko08

    Refugium contents and lighting

    Originally Posted by Gill again68 Your cheato will grow under the light. You will need to cut it back or take dead spots that may occur in it to "export" nitrates. Its pretty straight forward trimming to keep it from overtaking the fuge. What do I do with the trimmings? Throw them out?
  15. shyshko08

    Refugium contents and lighting

    Originally Posted by nycbob for macro, i use cheato for my reef. every 2-3 weeks depending on how fast the macro grows, u need to harvest it to export the nutrients. What do you exactly mean by this. And how would you go about doing this. I just recently switch to sump/refuge
  16. shyshko08

    I want to $%@#@# scream!!

    Originally Posted by Handbanana I ran home at lunch to have another looksie, My peppermint that was not doing so good is DEAD. not molted. It was in the sump ant there is no place for it to hide if it did shed. and when I picked it up and smelled it it did not smell. It was not an empty shell...
  17. shyshko08

    how long should i have lights on for an anenome?

    Originally Posted by jackri Run them straight.... go outside and on a sunny day the sun doesn't take an hour break at noon for lunch ;) hahahah
  18. shyshko08

    How to use Limewater to increase pH

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the ratio I would need to use
  19. shyshko08

    I Need Help With Designing My Sump/refug.!!!

    Originally Posted by florida joe they both do the same thing as far a assimilating nitrates difference is cheato is a VW while caulerpa is a Shelby AC cobra So i take it get the VW cheto haha (I myself own a VW)
  20. shyshko08

    I Need Help With Designing My Sump/refug.!!!

    Originally Posted by florida joe BTW I personally would and do only grow caulerpa in my Refugia a great way to export nitrates. Is caulerpa better to have the cheto? whats the difference in terms of what each does or does not do.