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  1. tucker

    Trigger fish, anyone?

    Thanks for replying I really apreciate it.. I have the CPR backpack protein skimmer with the biological filtration.. also is it imperative that I feed them live fish which would potentially degrade the tank much sooner. although it could be entertaining...
  2. tucker

    Trigger fish, anyone?

    Hello, everyone? I was hoping I could ask the board for their opinion on how to stock a tank with a very cool Picasso Trigger.. I have just completed the cycling of a 35 hex and wondering if i could possibly keep a Niger trigger along with the Huma Huma.. That's it, no more.. Just two fish with...
  3. tucker

    To Reef, or not to Reef

    Fishgirl, thanks for replying! I would really appreciate any info you have on trigger fishes.. Thanks your the best.. Originally posted by tucker: I just recently bought a 35 gallon hex,and would love to start a reef tank. However, the real reason I started this whole...
  4. tucker

    To Reef, or not to Reef

    I just recently bought a 35 gallon hex,and would love to start a reef tank. However, the real reason I started this whole endeavor was to purchase a trigger fish preferably a humu humu. From the discussion, it seems that is impossible because he will devour everything needed in order to...
  5. tucker

    fav fish poll

    Originally posted by Fishgirl: Just for fun, I'd like to get a little poll going about everybody's two fav fish families ME: Tangs and Triggerfish