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  1. fishin'

    kole tang and purple tang

    thanks for all the info. i need to update my info, the tank they are in is a 80 gal fowlr. he is now recouping and is a bit skittish. live and learn. btw, love the tag richard rendos, it can't rain all the time. from my favorite movie.
  2. fishin'

    kole tang and purple tang

    i introduced a kole to my 80gal. my purple was not too keen on his new companion. i was hoping they would get along after a day or two like the lemon peel and purple. unfortunately, i had to pull the kole and put him back in quarantine. his dorsal and tail are a bit chewed. how long does it...
  3. fishin'

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    i don't think it is mine, i went to vegas (it is only 4.5 hour road trip) and saw many similar sponges. none were mine, just wannabe's. i knew because everytime i took one home and put it in my tank it died real quick. i had a heck of a time hiding the remains. <img...
  4. fishin'

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    i can't give you too much advice but, i had a bluesuedeus lampa and it swelled up and unexpectedly died on me. i think it had a digestive problem. somehow it got out and i found it in the bathroom. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> <img src="graemlins//dead.gif"...
  5. fishin'

    purple tang vs lemon peel angel

    great! i gave it time and they seem to work together. everyonce in a while the tang chases the lp just a bit but they seem to get along well. thanks of the advice.
  6. fishin'

    sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)

    what's worse? someone who reads this entire thread or posts on it? not that i have done either. ok, maybe i have.
  7. fishin'

    purple tang vs lemon peel angel

    i have a large purple tang (6in) and a 4 inch lemonpeel. the lemonpeel was just introduced friday and is hiding constantly in the rocks from the tang. i gave it a couple of days and now one of them needs to go. also in the tank are 2 bleenies, a flame hawk, and 2 damsels. which one would you...
  8. fishin'

    moving tank questions

    sorry, i forgot a bit more info. moved 20 miles everything survived fine.
  9. fishin'

    moving tank questions

    i moved an 80gal fowlr last weekend and it went well. bought 7 33gals (but didn't think of returning them) and placed the lr and water in them. the fish: 2 blennies, purple tang, & 2 damsels were moved in a trashbag lined rubbermade 7 gal container. two of us were able to move approx 3 inches...
  10. fishin'


    everything worked well. i used six 33gal new trashcans. they transported all the water and lr without problem. thanks :D
  11. fishin'


    i just purchased a 80g reef with an octipus and fish. i know nothing of octipus...what is the general concensus?
  12. fishin'


    i plan on purchasing an 80gal reef from another party. there is approx. 100lbs lr. what is the best way to transport it approx 20 miles. i work for a furniture delivery service so i have plenty of manpower. there is an octipus and a couple of fish. i will remove them and most the water...
  13. fishin'

    going fast

    btw, i got the water from the LFS. there are no visible white spots.
  14. fishin'

    going fast

    about six weeks ago my FO 55gal tank was finished cycling with damsels and one of the white/black stripe damsels started swimming against the powerhead current, as if he was trying to get a workout. the next day, i found him swimming in very tight circles. i pulled him out because i didn't want...