sponge too big for tank! (goes very off topic)


New Member
i don't think it is mine, i went to vegas (it is only 4.5 hour road trip) and saw many similar sponges. none were mine, just wannabe's. i knew because everytime i took one home and put it in my tank it died real quick. i had a heck of a time hiding the remains. <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" />
btw, if you guys visit, don't go in the backyard.


I am by no means a math expert, but let us examine Broomer5's mathematical equation as he presented it to us, Mr. Bubbles. We have a sponge added to no proof of its existance equal to the negative square root of our dear Mr.Bubbles. Now, let us take into consideration that a negative square root is in itself a contradiction since the square root of even a negative number is positive. This means, simply, Mr. Bubbles, that as Broomer5 presents it to us, this cannot exist in practical application. This is somewhat of a paradox. Where you actually exist (Mr.Bubbles,) you exist in a contradiction, and the only way to validate this equation and hence your story, is to add the "i" on the square root of Mr. Bubbles. This "i" represents, for lack of a better term, an "imaginary" square root of Mr. Bubbles. No one is arguing the fact that you are a human being, and you do exist, just as any number in a square root exists *without* the negatives. This to me says while you are real, your lack of evidence(solution negative square root of Mr. Bubbles,) to your problem(sponge plus no proof) tells me that although the parts are real (you *do* "claim" to have the sponge, and you have no proof, and you obviously exist for no other reason than simple logical deduction,) the imaginary "i" exists to explain the presence of an impossible factor in your equation.
You know, I just realized I have put entirely too much thought and effort into this. :)


Active Member
I just read an amazing thread on another MB. It in many ways mirrored this thread, in that the person that started it misspelled several of the same words, his pesistance that he did what he and was just as blind to the ripping he was taking. This person claimed to frag his mushroom corals in a blender, pour the so called coral juice into his tank and POOF! Mushrooms were growin all over his tank...Mr. Bubbles you and this dude need to get together and make some sponge juice and market this amazing stuff!
I for one think you would become RICH!!!


I actually finished my Monthly Report... Woke up this morning at 3:00 a.m. and was at the office at 3:30 a.m., Yes, before you all think that I am a freak, well you are right... And here I am after doing all my important house work...(Weekend work on The reef tanks) and this thread is still going. Wow...!
Mr. Bubbles for President... Dude/Dudette ("Reef Vixen" you know what I mean) you have a way of getting this much attention.. You should try politics or show business (Like comedy)..
I'll keep watching...! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Ofalegend, i was reading your post. i READ it 5 times! i still dont get it! Sammy, again can you PLEASE check my IP so i can show these people im NOT Reef Vixen! I was reading ?????? post and your saying i should put some of the sponge in the blender, blend it up, and put it back in my tank!!???? I think this is a record! 7 pages and GOING!!! WOW! And for LORDOFTHEREEF, I go to samo high school! No, im not a "Special" kid! I know alot! im the Only one that idenified sammy sponge! it WAS Tim Allen! know one knew that answer! That really proves that i am smart! I never took the sponge in the bath tub! the bath is fresh water, the sponge is salt! See! im smart! i went to this really crappy lfs today! it really SUCKED! I felt really sorry for a clown and damsel! they were kept in a half gallon tank, NO PUMP! Well, im out of things to say right now!

Good night...sleep tight...dont let the fishys bite!


Mr. Bubble.. you're not funny anymore. Your stupidity cracked me up at first but it seems your actually trying to be witty by posting stupid comments. A little repitition on the "See?! I am smart!" is a little much too. Who are you trying to convince?


Active Member
This is crazy.
MR. BUBBLE- you are
a special kid!
If I had what you have (uhum) I would be a millionaire by now. Slice that sucker up and makke some money man!
BTW: It's a good thing someone took that sponge out of the ocean, at that growth rate, I think they saved a reef. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Active Member
Mr. Bubble,
This is a for real post. I saw a aponge in a LFS in G'boro NC today that was about 2 ft lomg. I was astonished by htis awsome sponge. I talked to the LFS guy and asked him if I could buy it. He told me "sure" Anyway, While I was on the way home it grew 14 inches and poked a hole in the bag. Now some of it is dead. Should I cut the dead part off or leave it on? P.S. I am not a fake.


Very funny wamp! CAN SOMEONE TRACE MY IP!!!!!!!!! So i can show these people im not reef vixen or karvis!


I just think Mr. Bubble is trying to climb the ranks the fastest, he's already a Blackcap Basslet! And has yet to post something useful!
<img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> :rolleyes: :D


I have posted ALOT of things useful! Lke the protien skimmer, fish in 29 gal, and alot more!
Mr. Bubbles: I have a business proposal for you. I too live in Los Angeles, and I was thinking we could produce a midget hybrid version of the mega-sponge and sell it to yuppies trying to relive their childhood by getting a new pet. Not just any midget versions though, they're have to perform tricks and do other "deeds" for their owners. I'm seeing nothinng but money in this thing baby, what d'ya think ?
by the way... does anyone even remember me? <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


It might work! :D . But i am thinking of a sponge central. Its a T.V. show where you watch the sponge magiclly grow! Insted of those dumb dinosuars that grow when you put them in water, it could be a branching tree sponge that grows! SAMMY!!!!! TRACE MY IP!
But probably, it will turn a disaster and people will protest about the sponge growing too much.


Mr Bubble this IP thing is driving me crazy. I would bet my whole salt water tank that you have no clue what an IP is. In your next post you better know what an IP is or you can no longer ask Sammy to trace it.
IP refers to your Inter-Personal relationship to your sponge...have you hugged your sponges today....caressed its lusciously sweet branches, or given it a wet, loving kiss in the thrones of passion while you stand

, ankle-deep in your tank while longing to be a fishy swimming amongst the others, why oh why must I be damned in this prison of a human body...oooo, whoahm, maybe that's just me but hey, who wouldn't liek that. It's possible to love a pet, so I ask all of you to look at your own IPs and ask, what's the dillio beeotch?!? <img src="graemlins//bah.gif" border="0" alt="[bah]" />