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  1. madwabbit23

    8" Volitan price range?

    Hmm. Good point and now that I think about it- he is only approaching 2yrs, hadnt considered the growth rate of the species. Good tip, ty.
  2. madwabbit23


    Foxface is definetly the heavyweight champ in my experience.
  3. madwabbit23

    Live Sand Disposal

    +1 to LFS comment as well as sand transfer, solid advice from joe and if that LFS told me something that ridiculous id make sure all my buds knew that the place was a joke. either he didnt know better, and you dont want to do business with him. OR he knew better and wanted to make a buck...
  4. madwabbit23

    8" Volitan price range?

    hehe yah, every few weeks. Its got brand new filters and pads (cept biorings) as of last week. I think im supplying more than enough filtration, I think the issue may be consistent water changes ...i dunno what else it could be.
  5. madwabbit23

    8" Volitan price range?

    Rena filstar 375 canister filter, 45g wet/dry with a protein skimmer in furthest chamber...forget the brand but its rated for 250gal tanks. Substrate: 2.5" sandbed, and 130lbs of live fuji rock. I'll stay on the water changes, and post any info good or bad throughout the week. Ty for the help...
  6. madwabbit23

    Bad News Please Read This

    Ive voiced my opinion on the subject. If you want to know how I define the global warming theory, re read my posts. Im done guys, dont wanna get into a daily discussion over it - I just hate to see eco maniacs spreading their armageddon theories all over and scaring the hell out of people that...
  7. madwabbit23

    8" Volitan price range?

    Yah, had the LFS double check the parameters - they came up with identical results. its a 150gal and im feeding them each 4-7 silversides twice a week. did two 25gal water changes this week. Nitrites got knocked back down to zero, but nitrates are still outrageous. Whats a normal number for an...
  8. madwabbit23

    8" Volitan price range?

    I agree with a good home discount, but its going to a 90g, where he will be with a puffer of some type ... anyway, I still need help with my water parameters: 3 water changes this week, and a few filtration changes, and im now at Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm (very very close to 0 anyway) PH: 8.0...
  9. madwabbit23

    Bad News Please Read This

    Rofl rotary
  10. madwabbit23

    8" Volitan price range?

    Yeah I think I may ask him for 200 for it. He specificly wants a volitan, over 7-8 inches, and my LFS wont do any more special ordering pre-holidays...I think he wants it as a gift, so Ive got a little bargaining power. I will probably sell the guy and get a handful of 3-4inch fish to make my...
  11. madwabbit23

    FOWLR Lighting recommendation?

    lol +1 to hoping it goes well for ya man - thanks again!
  12. madwabbit23

    Shark Tank.. who has them?

    I've had a bamboo cat and a nurse in individual tanks of 125 and 150g, and I sold them within their first year because they outgrew their swimming room and could barely turn around in the tank. While they could physically survive in there, it didnt mean it was the right thing to do to...
  13. madwabbit23

    FOWLR Lighting recommendation?

    Its on the way! Ill post before/after pics with the lighting difference! Ty Mike!
  14. madwabbit23

    FOWLR Lighting recommendation?

    Just emailed ya! Ty!
  15. madwabbit23

    FOWLR Lighting recommendation?

    Perfect! thanks for the advice guys! Found it for 129.99 at a specific site, im still looking for that 110 :P thanks again!
  16. madwabbit23

    Bad News Please Read This

    Accurate satellite, balloon and mountain top observations made over the last three decades have not shown any significant change in the long term rate of increase in global temperatures. Average ground station readings do show a mild warming of 0.6 to 0.8C over the last 100 years, which is well...
  17. madwabbit23

    FOWLR Lighting recommendation?

    Originally Posted by Rotarymagic 2 or 4 bulb T5HO... individually reflecte if possible... bright light and not alot of watts. Get one 10,000k bulb and one actinic or two of each. It'll look sharp. See, im totally new to lighting systems - always bought mine "ready to go" on past tanks. What...
  18. madwabbit23

    8" Volitan price range?

    ooh dont remind me. I thought about that myself ...I guess id try and bucket him in, wearing some serious gloves and using a net. Found one site selling a volitan at 8.5inches for 289.99 - I think they are insane. Do these fish really get that expensive?
  19. madwabbit23

    FOWLR Lighting recommendation?

    My lighting system on my 150g fowlr sucks - one 48" 40watt that is the 50%blue+50%white bulb ...pardon my lack of knowledge about lighting. Recommendations as to what I should be looking for in a lighting system? How many watts? What colors for a fish only?
  20. madwabbit23

    8" Volitan price range?

    So I have the 8"inch and change Volitan that most of you have seen pics of in my other posts, and my issue with stocking the tank is finding fish to buy that he wont swallow whole. Friend that works at my LFS said theres a customer interested in a large volitan, and that he was willing to pay...