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  1. scuba101

    Spreading tube somethings..... ;(

    Depending on what fish you have you may want to consider an arrow crab. they will eat bristle worms, if indeed thats what you have.
  2. scuba101

    She was sold to me as a fuscus...

    sounds like you have alot of stuff in the tank already, it's going to be dificult to feed the guy. what type of food are you planning to offer(small ghost shrimp)? and the clam could hurt him.
  3. scuba101

    sorry no pic

    if it looks like this its snail eggs...
  4. scuba101

    test kit

    I use API(aquarium pharmaceuticals) master test kit with fair results. You still need a back-up as the chemicals can lose properties over time. I also have digital meters to test ph,calcium,salinity. And of course take a sample once a month to my LFS to make sure my test kit is stil ok. they do...
  5. scuba101

    your most expensive fish

    Hey I'm new to this computer and forum stuff, but my most expensive fish was a gold flake angel $350 two years ago.