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  1. dmack

    Why is my clown flicking her tail at the sand?

    mine has taken host to a coulpe of shrooms, she eats good, but I guess she just likes playing in the sand. I think that its another way to mark its space.
  2. dmack

    New lights on shrooms

    What is the best way to move them with out damage? I have two that have split about a week ago, do i move the little ones or let them get a little bigger?
  3. dmack

    New lights on shrooms

    When I got my shrooms i had a cheap lighting unit so i placed them kinda high on my rock. Now i have up graded my lights and my shrooms have really good color buy instead of looking full they kinda look like they are trying to get away from the light, and at night their mouths are open wide...
  4. dmack


    When i bought my yellow stripe maroon he was a little over an 2", I have had him for about 6 months in a 30g tank and he is a good 3"s now. Flake twice everyday, mysis once every other day, and purple seaweed twice a week.
  5. dmack

    Clown hiding from new lights?

    I installed a new light system that has about 130 more watt... is it normal for my clow to hide for awhile? Since i turned thelights on about 2 hrs ago he came out to eat, but other that that he has been behind the rocks. Normally he is every where in the tank.
  6. dmack

    What do you feed your clowns?

    I have had a yellow stripe maroon for 6 months. I started out with brine and a flake. He didn't really take to the brine so now i feed flake everyday, mysis every other day and he gets purple seaweed twice a week. The seaweed is for my tang but the clown eats a pretty good helping of it.
  7. dmack

    Why is my clown flicking her tail at the sand?

    My maroon has two spots. She has one right in the front corner and another behind some rocks.
  8. dmack

    Best anemone for a yellow stripe maroon

    I am still pretty new at all of this so... with the clownfish, i have had Bud (yellow stipe maroon) for about 6 month. I go to the lfs and see all of these clowns in the same tank, but have read that you can't add another clown after you have one established? So is it that i can't mix clowns...
  9. dmack

    Snails Ahhh

    Thanks for putting aname to the face Cranberry. Now that i know what i have i can do a little research for myself. again thanks.
  10. dmack

    Snails Ahhh

    Yes, thats it. what is it and what do i do?
  11. dmack

    Best anemone for a yellow stripe maroon

    My poor little clown is hosting a pair of my shroom. What is a good anemone for him?
  12. dmack

    Snails Ahhh

    No, the snails i have look nothing like the ones pictured. The shell is longer than it is tall, their body extends from both end as if their shell is too small. I tried to take a photo, but with the camera I have, I can't focus in though the glass. Since adding the rock I also have little...
  13. dmack

    Snails Ahhh

    because there are snails everywhere. Right now i have a 30 gal. tank and I have about 100 to 150 little snails
  14. dmack

    Snails Ahhh

    I adopted some live rock from a friend of a friend... I cured it, so i thought, put it in my tank and a month later I have little snails everywhere! I also gave some of the rock to a family member and there tank is now infested with snails also. I know that snails are a good thing, but my plan...