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  1. tax lady

    24 gallon aquapod & skimmer

    Originally Posted by Tax lady iSN'T ANYBODY INTERESTED???? I live in Santa Rosa beach and cannot take care of my tank anymore due to personal situation. Come over and take a look and give me an offer. I have a 24 gallon Aquapod, live rock and sand, emerald crabs,nassarisi snails, turbo...
  2. tax lady

    24 gallon aquapod & skimmer

  3. tax lady

    24 gallon aquapod & skimmer

    Don't know if I canpost something for sale here or not. If not please put this where it belongs...thanks, * Edit post * Delete post * Report this post * Reply with quote 24 gallon aquapod & skimmer Postby SRB » Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:28 pm 24 gallon aquapod and skimmer. see it here. good strong...
  4. tax lady

    where to post "How much is something worth"

    Don'tknow where to post this. I have a pair of clowns that have bred once that I saw. Want to know how much I should ask fo to sell them. Please advise.
  5. tax lady

    need help with tank

    can't manage todo it all myself if I got info. thanks anyway
  6. tax lady

    need help with tank

  7. tax lady

    need help with tank

    Well,long time since posting. I am at my wits end. I need someone that can come over to look at my tank. I live in SantaRosa Beach Fl. between destin & panama cit . I have broken my arm , am on oxygen and can't get anything done. tank is a mess and need you to look a it, test it and see...
  8. tax lady

    need id of spider web like stuff

    Thanks Meowzer...for the info. Will stick to water changes. about the eggs. Only 1 other fish, emerald crabs though.
  9. tax lady

    need id of spider web like stuff

    No, can't see any tubes at all. And the web are not long like that either. I can't eliminate them by crushing them cause they are no worms that I can see. Is there anything else that I can kill it with? If not, will have to just have to scrub w/ toothbrush and water changes. Funny it seemed...
  10. tax lady

    need id of spider web like stuff

    I really want a way to eliminate them!! I still don't know if they are really those worms...|It just looks like all the rocks, filter, thermometer, corals are jst covered with dust and webs. Doesn't anyone know of a way I can get rid or this?
  11. tax lady

    need id of spider web like stuff

    Searched Google. It doesn't look like anything I see there. But it is unsightly!! Allover the place. looks like dust and webs. Just in case it is that worm thing, what would take care of it. I want to blast it out. Give me some suggestions. It has also stopped some of my corals from...
  12. tax lady

    need id of spider web like stuff

    I have stuff that looks somewhat like spider webs and just plain old dust in my tank. It has spread like mad. Soemone said it may be worms, but I don't see any worms. My camera died so can't take pic, but if someone will tell me what they think it may be I can google it and see. It is...
  13. tax lady

    Spider web like stuff all over

    I will...thanks all for the info.
  14. tax lady

    Spider web like stuff all over

    Don't have anything that looks like that, pointy and all. Can't take pics either. Camera broke on me.
  15. tax lady

    Spider web like stuff all over

    Doesnt look like snails. Just a lot of dust and small webs.
  16. tax lady

    Spider web like stuff all over

    My tank has spider web stuff all over. Actually it is not long and stringy, mostly short, and dust like all over even on the filter, like it is covered in dust. What could be causing this? Thanks for any info on this.
  17. tax lady

    percula clown

  18. tax lady

    Slf Babies?????

    Do you have more than one SLF in the tank?
  19. tax lady

    how to set up a skimmer for ap24

    Finally got the answer to why the Sapphire skimmer does not fit in my 24 gal aquapod. Apparently the lfs that ordered it ordered one to fit in a 28 gal aquapod. Anyway I have spoken to Kyle at Sapphire Aquatics and he is sending me, free of charge, the body of the skimmer that will fit my tank...
  20. tax lady

    how to set up a skimmer for ap24

    It is a sapphire ap24 which is made especially for the aquapod 24. I spoke to the man at the site when I got it the other day and he couldn't understand why it stuck out so much. So I will try to contact him again. Did any of you get this particular skimmer? the reason I got a skimmer (after...