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  1. afreekanblakk

    Straight pass pics to a vid

    Just took a chance. The blueface was established 1st. He constantly lets the emp know who's boss. Never excessive though. Just big brother bullyinh.
  2. afreekanblakk

    Straight pass pics to a vid

    Fairly new to the hobby. Was in the process of cleaning the tank until i decided to play director. Shoot now, Clean later. Enjoy.
  3. afreekanblakk

    color fading in clown trigger

    is it normal for clown triggers colors to fade. almost appears as if new white spots are forming. eats scalop clam krill brine nls pellets but is losing color. all other fish are vibrant except for him. __________________
  4. afreekanblakk

    peacock mantis

    Just bought one of these. Always wanted one, got it for cheap. Are they a shy species? Found a nice cave and hasn't come out yet. He ate krill at the store but hasn't eaten anything yet. How often do they feed. Any info on these shrimp would help alot
  5. afreekanblakk

    emperor angel

    Thanks for the input. He's a little picky but what he does eat he enjoys. clams frozen krill omega flake and some pellets
  6. afreekanblakk

    emperor angel

    was just curious. it hasn't even been 24 complete hours. intorduced him at 7 last night. he isn't hiding, he grazes the rocks just won't eat. i'll give him time just wanted a jump start on solutions if need be. he is 4-5 inches. adult colors already. just waiting for him to color up fully
  7. afreekanblakk

    emperor angel

    I bought a emperor he has yet to eat frozen spurilna brine, mysis or nls pellets but he is grazing the rocks heavily. Seems natural right, but how do i gt him to take to the other food which has been soaked in extreme garlic
  8. afreekanblakk

    Name The Fish You Can't Seem To Keep

    I've tried clown triggers 4 times... twice it got killed by my undy... another by my dog faced... then last bu not leat by me... had ich set up a quick qt with water from main tank and rock... next day dead from ammonia spike... also love clown tangs tried twice with no success
  9. afreekanblakk

    looking for a titan trigger

    Sid where are you located? I have a 6 inch titan I am considering parting ways with. I bought it cause it was available but reall want a bluelined fuscus or a clown.
  10. afreekanblakk

    Clown Tang wont eat

    He's currently in qt with a clown fish. He isn't being challenged for food he just chooses not to eat. I drop it right in front of him, it hits his face and he swims away. Thinking bout trying to return him be4 he goes into sudden death.
  11. afreekanblakk

    Clown Tang wont eat

    as of now he's been in qt since i got him last sunday... not much to graze on but my nerves... he's around 3-4 inches so i guess he's more prone to survival than the smaller ones but he just won't eat
  12. afreekanblakk

    Clown Tang wont eat

    I've tried algae sheets, flakes with garlic, nls pellets, veggie pellets, brine with garlic, just shows no interest in food. Swims around normally and curious just not curious for food. I'm thinking of trying live brine next. Does anyone have any suggestions.
  13. afreekanblakk

    Brooklynella - Clown

    Is Brook strictly a clownfish disease or are other fish vunerable?
  14. afreekanblakk

    copper and quarantine

    Upsettingly There Isn't A Clear Manufacturer... Not Brand Wise Anyway... How Do I Go About Removing The Copper From The Water And Starting With A Different Choice... I Guess It Says 2.5 Because Its Supposedly 60 Times Less Toxic
  15. afreekanblakk

    copper and quarantine

    i have an api copper test... using copper power that says keep params at 2.5... what is the normal copper rate
  16. afreekanblakk

    copper and quarantine

    I have finally cycled my qt... ammonia is at 0 after my impatient disaster... my question is, can you add fish to a tank already containing copper or should you let the fish adjust than add copper... I have copper power... it says i should keep the parameters at 2.5... has anyone used this...
  17. afreekanblakk

    Turbo Twist UV - Install question

    i have my 16 watt turbo twist which is recommended 400 gals per hour hooked to my rena xp3 canister... works fine i think... just needto replace my bulb now that i thin of it
  18. afreekanblakk

    Now What

    Now you wait until you see ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate depends on what tank your keeping
  19. afreekanblakk

    Ich... Jumping the gun

    wasted time but tested anyway... copper levels not lethal... ammonia spike... 1.00 everything is dead or on its death bed... so far survivors are blue faced angel... sailfin tang... tomato clown and undulated trigger... deaths are Naso tang... pink tail trigger... hawaiian black trigger... and...
  20. afreekanblakk

    Ich... Jumping the gun

    i had an oncoming outbreak of ich... long story short... i bought a 55 galloin qt, put 55 gallons of water from the display as well as my rena xp3 which had been running on the dt for years. I added copper power and the fish seemed fine... this morning they looked a lil stressed... when i get...