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  1. reddhead

    Trigger Aggression

    Originally Posted by RCreations I can tell you about my Sargassum Trigger, which is listed as one of the least agressive triggers. True enogh but he's still pretty agressive. He'll bite me when I clean the inside of the tank and will occasionally go after any fish that gets in his space for...
  2. reddhead

    Tank flooded my house over night!

    Originally Posted by OleMiss I have these by every tank after a skimmer overflowed, it is LOUD and will scare the hair off of you if you are sleeping I didn't know such a thing existed. I will definatley invest in one! Thanks for the info!!!
  3. reddhead

    Tank flooded my house over night!

    Originally Posted by meowzer Do you have a small tank you can keep them in temporarily? If not you can use a tote, put some sand from the tank and sw...a powerhead, heater....small filter would be nice (LOL) that would work until you can figure out what you're going to do Are you going to...
  4. reddhead

    Tank flooded my house over night!

    Originally Posted by meowzer YIKES.....sorry to hear about this. So you placed your fish and corals in your other tanks? I put them in my 125. I am concerned about my clowns because I had a maroon and a sebae in the tank that leaked and put them in the 125 with a tomato. The maroon and...
  5. reddhead

    Tank flooded my house over night!

    Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains I'm so sorry! I have had a few overflow issues, but nothing like that! Did you have another tank to put your livestock in? Scares me just hearing about it! There was no leak? Nothing to indicate a potential problem?? I have had overflow issues with...
  6. reddhead

    Tank flooded my house over night!

    Originally Posted by Flower How old was the tank? Only about 2 years old. I check my tanks just about every night and there was no indication of a leak. It appeared to be in the front of the tank. I say appeared because that is where it was dripping. I have 2 other tanks, both 125 gal...
  7. reddhead

    Tank flooded my house over night!

    I have had a aquarium for 25 years and never a disaster like what happened to me Friday morning! I woke up to a aquarium that broke a seal a drained all but 1 inch of water while I was asleep! I am still in disbelief. Thank GOD the fish, zoos, and mushrooms were still alive but my laminate...
  8. reddhead

    CUC question?

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef Yes, it will. I had a Xanthid Crab hitchhike on some LR that I got about a year ago. Created absolute chaos in my tank and killed quite a few fish/inverts during that time. He was only the size of a quarter when I caught him and was killing fish 5-6". How did you...
  9. reddhead

    Tank Level Floor Is Not Help

    Along with my saltwater tanks I also have a 125gal freshwater tank. Where it sits the floor is unlevel. It was visably noticable. I did nothing to correct the problem for about 2 years and thank GOD everything was ok. I had laminate installed about 2 years ago and a substance was put over...
  10. reddhead

    CUC question?

    Originally Posted by Xcali1985 You have a predator in your tank, maybe a hitchhiker my dads 55 had the same problem. Turned out one of those devil crabs hitchhiked on a rock. He had to iodine soak it to get him out of it. Not to go off an a tangent, but the devil crab you had mentioned, by any...
  11. reddhead

    Who runs moonlights?????

    I have the moon LED's as well and I love them. They do not bother the fish at all. It is very tranquil!
  12. reddhead

    Which skimmer do you run?

    I have a Reef Octopus. I actually have 2. I have one on my 60 gal and one on my 125 gal. It does a really great job at removed junk.
  13. reddhead

    is THIS cRaZy??

    I would get some neon tetras. They are small and very pretty!
  14. reddhead

    Lighting requirements

    I recieved my light today and all I can say is WOW! I am going to hook it up tomorrow!
  15. reddhead

    My 125g Reef. Pics and more pics diary.

    Very beautiful!
  16. reddhead

    Lighting requirements

    I measured the tank and it is 24" tall. I decided to go with the Nova Extreme T-5 w/lunar lights. I should get it tomorrow. I am very excited. I think I need to check myself into AA (aquariums anonymous)! I was going to wait to order the light but when I went to Ga to buy some live rock ($2...
  17. reddhead

    Lighting requirements

    Thanks so much for the feed back. I can't remember the dimension of the tank off the top of my head(not at home to messure). I will compare the Nove and the Tek and go from there.
  18. reddhead

    Lighting requirements

    I have been in the hobby for over a year now and I am ready to start a reef tank. My question is regarding the lighting. I am considering getting a T-5 with lunar lights. Does anyone have one of these fixtures and how would you rate it? I have been looking at the Current Nova T-5 with lunar...
  19. reddhead

    Are Chocolate Chips Stars compatible with Triggers

    Thanks for the advise!
  20. reddhead

    Are Chocolate Chips Stars compatible with Triggers

    I have a 125 with a Huma Trigger, Niger Trigger, Sailfin tang, and a tomato clown and was wondering if a CC star would be safe with the triggers? I know other types of stars are not but wasn't sure if that applied to the CC star.