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  1. shtank

    HELP!!! No Lighting!!!

    Thanks. I'll order one tomorrow if this other lfs dosn't have one in stock they were closed today.
  2. shtank

    HELP!!! No Lighting!!!

    I have a 29 biocube with basic stuff zoes, leathers, GSP. The daylight bulb blew but actinic is still working. None of the LFS have my bulb in stock either (just my luck) The question is how long will my corals last with out it.
  3. shtank

    Whirlpool RO unit at Lowe's

    Will one of these units work for the hobby << Links to other retail sites are not permitted on these boards. >> I can talk the misses into buying one of these
  4. shtank

    What kind of coral can i put in my biocube

    I have a 29 biocube and I already have some frags. Green finger leather GSP Mushrooms Zoas Kenya tree I want to add some color but not shur what. I'm thinking of some frogspawn or maybe acan. Does anyone know if these will work in my conditions I have 72wats in my stock hood. Any suggestion...
  5. shtank

    Whats the best lighting schedule...

    I just got a 29 biocube and I'm trying to dial it all in. What's your lighting schedule ?
  6. shtank

    What kind of algae is this???

    This started off small and I though it was some kind of coral. But now it has spread to the hole tank. If I just scrap em off will they just regrow. Also is there cleaner that will eat this. Sofar snails and crabs don't mess with it. Thanks any info will be great.
  7. shtank

    What kind of glue for plexi-glass

    i have a sheet of black plexi-glass someone gave me and i would like to make some stuff out of it but cant find any glue besides silicone at LHS. Can anyone recomend something?
  8. shtank

    Scruber vs Phosban

    Thanks for the input
  9. shtank

    Scruber vs Phosban

    Im thinking about buying a phosphate reactor. Will a DIY turf algae scruber do the same thing. If so it sound better than having to buy phosban all the time. Also how often do you have to change the media? 55gal 20sump Thanks for any input.
  10. shtank

    To Scrub LR or Not To Scrub LR

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Why would you scrub your rock? The idea is to get life to grow on it. A cleanup crew would starve if you have no growth. Thats the question i have heard sevral people on this site tell me to scrub the LR i also blast the sand off with a baster.
  11. shtank

    To Scrub LR or Not To Scrub LR

    yah! i need one of those
  12. shtank

    overflow pipe lost siphon

    i built one a couple months ago with black 1.25 drain pipe and put a air lift pump at the top and i can not break siphon nomatter how hard i try (unless a snail get in there LOL hapend once). I would try again and use bigger pipe and make the U bigger the pump doesn't need that strong as long as...
  13. shtank

    Goby vs Blennie

    Originally Posted by fish are good i have both and they are both very large and i would not recomend an engeneer goby the eat anything small and expensive. I had a coral banded shrimp get eaten by something. Do you think it could have been the goby (he is about 6" long)?
  14. shtank

    To Scrub LR or Not To Scrub LR

    I scrub my live rock one a week with a tooth brush. Is there any reason not to scrub your LR?
  15. shtank

    Goby vs Blennie

    bumpidy bump bump
  16. shtank

    Goby vs Blennie

    I have a engineer goby and was thinkin about getting a lawnmower blennie. Does anyone know if they will get along?
  17. shtank

    DIY LED lights?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet For a fish only system, this would probably work fine. For a reef system, it's not as much about brightness, it's about wavelength and PAR. Needless to say, car tail lights are not designed with the intention of growing corals. LEDs have a very narrow wavelength...
  18. shtank

    DIY LED lights?

    By the way i'm not trying to grow stoney's or anything. Just something simple.
  19. shtank

    DIY LED lights?

    Does anyone Know anything about LED. I work in collision repair and I have alot of LED tail lights out of wrecked cars. I plugged some some in and they are very bright. Does anyone know if these lights will work for corals. 55gal 70 lbs LR 20 sump
  20. shtank

    Question on those DIY pvc overflows

    The longer you can make it the harder it will be to break the siphon