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  1. theinglebaby23

    Recommended reef tank manufacturers

    Good info, thanks. The marineland or oceanic looks pretty sweet. Thanks for the help! Rich
  2. theinglebaby23

    Recommended reef tank manufacturers

    Hi all. My wife and I were talking about getting a bigger (150-175gal) tank in the next few months. I tried looking up tank manufacturers on the web, however all I could find was Oceanic. Any other brand-names out there you would recommend? What's the best? Thanks, Rich
  3. theinglebaby23

    Interesting disaster...

    Tank is about two months old with a 2" sand bed. I didn't stir the sand up at all, just had to reorganize the upper layer of rocks. And no, no weird smells. I think what you're talking about would have killed off everything in the tank, but my anemone, corals, inverts and two fish survived. The...
  4. theinglebaby23

    Interesting disaster...

    Maybe. Like I said, it was really weird. All the fish dead and all the crabs up on the high ground. Really weird. But, my two survivors are doing pretty well. A water change and some buffer seemed to have done the trick (wish I had done it earlier...) Thanks for all the input! Rich
  5. theinglebaby23

    Interesting disaster...

    Ya, it's just a 24 gallon nano. I did a 15% water change and dumped some pH buffer in there. My clown (one of two sole surviving fish) perked up immediately and went from laying on the sand to swimming... Was it the pH then? What would have caused that? All my other levels were normal...
  6. theinglebaby23

    Interesting disaster...

    Interesting thought, I may try it. Although I haven't lost any crabs yet... We did mess things up quite a bit. We've got branch rock, so it was a chore trying to re-stack it properly. The Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite is all fine. Like I said, my pH is low (7.8). I'm going to do a good water...
  7. theinglebaby23

    Interesting disaster...

    Hey all, I've got one for you... So I moved some rocks around last night and totally stressed out my tank. All my fish are dead unfortunately, I feel horrible. Interesting this is, I just noticed that all my crabs (hermits and emerald) are all up high on the rocks! My ph is at 7.8, so a little...
  8. theinglebaby23

    How to get clowns to host

    Follow up: It's been a month without my two hosting, I got frustrated and tried the force hosting. Ya, I ended up bumping a rock, had to rearrange everything and woke up with two dead fish, a couple inverts on the verge and the rest not eating/hiding. The clowns are swimming at the surface not...
  9. theinglebaby23

    I really need some help!

    Ok, thanks for the help. I mixed in a couple pounds of live sand and integrated about 5 more pounds of live rock to give it a boost. We'll see how it goes... Seriously, thanks for the help!
  10. theinglebaby23

    I really need some help!

    I may have messed up big time. I'm setting up a new reef in a 24g nano. The lady selling the r/o water mixed up the valves and sold me non-salted water. I thought I got salted and like an idiot didn't check the salinity. So my live rock and tank has been sitting in fresh water for 24 hours, and...