How to get clowns to host


I have two picassos and a GBTA. how do I entice them to host? Does the flow around the GBTA have to be low? I only as because my GBTA is in the flow line of my vortech, so flow is med/high.
I wouldnt even mid if they hosted my frogspawn...


Active Member
My advice is to wait it out. The flow around the anemone shouldn't be a big issue. Make sure it is adequate, but not too strong that the clowns are blown away.
I went to an LFS once that did something called force hosting. Basically they put an anemone and a clownfish in a LARGE bag and slowly drained the water from it. Eventually the clown was absolutely forced to touch the anemone. Afterwhich the clown hosted the anemone. Obviously I wouldn't recommend trying this. It seems very dangerous and a matter of fact, why am I sharing this???

Anyway, good luck. I hope my clowns host one day too. I have a hammer that would look good with a clown on top

It may happen tomorrow, it may happen 8 months from now, or it may not happen at all. In any case, be optimistic. I hope everything works out for you.


Originally Posted by krak256
I have two picassos and a GBTA. how do I entice them to host? Does the flow around the GBTA have to be low? I only as because my GBTA is in the flow line of my vortech, so flow is med/high.
I wouldnt even mid if they hosted my frogspawn...
mine are in a med/high area and they dont seem to mind. if the flow was too strong the GBTA would move so i wouldnt think that it would be to much for them. Just give them time they will host if they want to. If they dont, they wont


Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
My advice is to wait it out.
I've had my bta for a little over 3 months and my ocellaris clowns are completely uninterested!! Waiting it out is annoying, but I guess there's no other choice...
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego

Anyway, good luck. I hope my clowns host one day too.
Me too...


good luck but there is no guarentee on what clowns will host. before my tank was filled with corals they hosted a mag float. took forever before they decided to move on.
I agree it sounds somewhat mean, but the whole force hosting actually makes sense. Many ocellaris don't host at all and maybe its because they were tank raised and have never been physically exposed to an anemone. Mine stay away from all of my corals and rocks. Maybe once they touch it, they like it... like a good drug, it gets 'em hooked :) I've also heard of isolating the clowns and the anemone in a breeding compartment.


mine were together almost six months before the clown went to the nem, and now when the nem closes to expell waste one clown sleeps in my feather duster---that is so cute--have been trying to get a pic of that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by thetoyman13
mine were together almost six months before the clown went to the nem, and now when the nem closes to expell waste one clown sleeps in my feather duster---that is so cute--have been trying to get a pic of that.
It's hard to do. Mine host the feather duster...VERY cute. The duster surprisingly doesn't mind. Every time I go to get a pic, they swim toward me and away from the duster
It's weird because I can watch them swim in the duster for hours.


New Member
Follow up: It's been a month without my two hosting, I got frustrated and tried the force hosting. Ya, I ended up bumping a rock, had to rearrange everything and woke up with two dead fish, a couple inverts on the verge and the rest not eating/hiding. The clowns are swimming at the surface not looking good (let alone swimming in the anemone now. I'm guessing the whole tank is toast.
Moral of the story: Don't force host!


ive never thought of this before but i might give it a try if u guys think it will work. my plan is to go to the lfs and buy an anemone but also buy a clown in that tank that has already hosted it. and when i put them in my tank the ill reconnect. i think that if my 2 clowns see that clown going into the anemone, then they will go.
u guys think it will word?


my true percs have been hosting in my frogspawn for the past week or first i thought it was really cool,but now i wish they would stop.before they would swim all around the tank and actually entertain they just rest in the frogspawn and do nothing lol..


Originally Posted by krak256
I have two picassos and a GBTA. how do I entice them to host? Does the flow around the GBTA have to be low? I only as because my GBTA is in the flow line of my vortech, so flow is med/high.
I wouldnt even mid if they hosted my frogspawn...
put a little flashing neon sign next to the nem that says vacancy.


i rergret trying to get my clowns to host an anemone because now the anemone is dead and the clowns have black scars all over them from the anemone stings


New Member
not sur where i heard this but if u put a picture of a predator on the glass and tape it there,, maybe the clonws will go in the anemone for protection..


Yea with my experience you should go buy a clown fish that already host an anemone at the LFS . That's the quickest and best way to do it. However I was very luck with my mated pair of sebae clowns. I already had the green carpet anemone in my tank and my clowns hosted it within the first 20 minutes of being introduced to the tank. Call me lucky I guess, but the pair looks so cool in the carpet. The female tends to hog it most though; the male comes in once in a while and he gotta leave because shes the boss of the house ^^ good luck with yours clowns!