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  1. discusking

    I really need help

    is the tank new? It looks to me like there are too many nurtrients in the tank, which causes excess algae growth. Try to limit the amount of food you are feeding and lower the time the lights are on. Do frequent water changes (at least once a week) until the algae bloom dissipates. GOOD LUCK...
  2. discusking

    Another dang algae question...

    The brown algae that is forming in your tank is most likely some sort of dianoflagelle. If you havent added any more bioload to your aquarium, the sudden "bloom" is most likely due to excessive amounts of silicone, and/or phosphates in the water. This excess nutrients was mostly likely...
  3. discusking


    Just curious what type of metal halides were you planning on getting? Because the spectrum is important in order to make sure the zooxanthae make enough food. Usually you would want bulbs that peak in the red and blue spectrums because most plants, including algae, photosynthesis best in that...
  4. discusking

    something eating xenia

    Somethings eating my xenia - night! any ideas on what it could be. The way they are eaten, is only the polyp, not the stalk is gone.
  5. discusking

    Beginner corals?

    I would recomend zoos, xenia, anthia, brain corals( they just keep growing), leathers, shrooms, and euphyillia corals, If your tank water has somewhat high nitrates an elegance coral would prob do awesome, they love dirty tanks!! They usually are considered hard to keep because people super...
  6. discusking

    sqamosa or derasa clam under 260 watts of pc?? which is better looking???

    Originally Posted by promisetbg Squamosas and Derasas can be kept without halides,but what size tank is this 260 wts of PC over? They cannot however be kept in the rockwork..they must be on the sand.They do not attach as Croceas and Maximas do.As a clam opens/closes and takes in will...
  7. discusking

    sqamosa or derasa clam under 260 watts of pc?? which is better looking???

    I would go with the deresa, Ive had mine in my nanocube for 9 months and its has quadrubled in size!!! Mine you its only about an inch from the surface so it gets good light, but dersa clams have some cool colors, my personal favorite is the zebra striped fact im thinking about...
  8. discusking

    my tank

    yeah i do have a dersa under the lights, its really close to the top and ive had it since it was a small 1 incher, now its about 4 inches!!! Species like dersa and squamosa dont need as much light as the colorful maximas and crocea. The plants in there are calpalera, ie grape algae... that...
  9. discusking

    my tank

    Its a nano cube dx, i got it for x-mas I have alot in this little sucker. Inverts include : small snails, and hitch hiker starfish. a large T. deresa Corals: red, green open brain corals, two hammer corals, one small frogspawn, orange, pink, red and green zoos, elegans coral, antheia polyps...
  10. discusking

    my tank

    thanks...its my baby
  11. discusking

    my tank

    hope u all like it :)
  12. discusking

    fav band?

  13. discusking

    fav band?

    hey whats ur fav band. I love BOSTON they rock my socks what about u guys?
  14. discusking

    big foot

    wow and i thought i had it bad...;)
  15. discusking

    big foot

    who else feels my pain
  16. discusking

    big foot

    wow just went to the shoe store and i now where a 14 mens...damn it i was hard enough to find shoes when i wore a 13...geez
  17. discusking

    MY Private Zoo!!!!!

    why did u have it declawed and have its caine teeth taken out.
  18. discusking

    update on my stupid ex!

    i dont blame hormones... i blame whore moans. LMFAO...:hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
  19. discusking

    update on my stupid ex!

    awww pwnag3!! and DVS... are u trying to hook up? jk jk, sorry about the frustration! I blame hormones!
  20. discusking

    just set up new 12g nano cubeDX

    wow...yeah too much nano tanks use lr and sand sparingly because if u add too much it looks like you have a tank full of rock! Your off to a good start, but u dont need that deep of a sand bed in such a small tank