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  1. ericjn

    This is news to me :l

    i gots 2 black nemos!
  2. ericjn

    Which Tang do you think is the most Awsomest??

    id go with the clown tang... Beautiful and one hell of an attitude behind it lol
  3. ericjn

    This is news to me :l

    Man do I know the pain of this one. When I worked at a pet store in my city, more and more did I hear, "Do you have any Nemos?" Now this would be fine if the people asking were children, but these people were full grown adults. I would say clown fish? They would say "No Nemos." So I would say...
  4. ericjn

    Emperor Angel help!

    sooo I had an Ammonia spike yesterday, turns out Ive been overfeeding all the fish are fine. The level was at .5 so i moved the rocks i had most my rocks away from the filter dumb I know. So i moved all the rocks to the center did 2 water changes yesterday (2 small ones maybe around 25% total)...
  5. ericjn

    Emperor Angel help!

    ok so hes starting to pick up with the eating, which is good, hes keeping his coloration, ive been putting in the sanfran angel butterfly diet but he just picks around it, which makes me a lil nervous but hes slowly starting to try other things, I think its all part of him aclimating to the...
  6. ericjn

    Emperor Angel help!

    hey guys for an update.... My fish arrived on thursday on my birthday actually so it was kinda cool. He looks good and he is eating, however he is a pretty picky eater, I'm mixing mysis and brine together (spinila or however you spell it lol) and putting garlic and vita chem in it as well. He...
  7. ericjn

    Emperor Angel help!

    Awesome, good to hear yours is doing well. I should be getting him tommarow so im getting excited, kinda wish he got here today since its my birthday but that gives me a chance to do a last min water check and make sure everything is looking good. Whew Im glad im not the only one who read...
  8. ericjn

    Emperor Angel help!

    Thanks, Ive been thinking about this fish for a while now.... Absolutly love them! Im just hoping he settles right in and eats, I read its good to get them when they are very young, that they are much more hardy, is this true?
  9. ericjn

    Emperor Angel help!

    ok cool, well see i would have gotten a bigger one, but I read that its better to get smaller ones because they are easier to aclimate to the tank. Thier diet isnt all sponge and what not. Im looking to get some sort of angel formula to give him plus i have some vitamins to help. Im hoping this...
  10. ericjn

    Emperor Angel help!

    well i thought of that a lil bit ago and read that it can happen... If that happens ill give the lion to my dad for his tank. So far so good though with the lion hes been nice, and thats why im not putting the angel in with the big boys i dont want him to be a 80 buck snack lol
  11. ericjn

    Emperor Angel help!

    I thought about that, im just worried he may end up a puffer snack, and an expensive one at that. I havnt had too much aggression but ill atleast QT the lil guy in the 55 to start with I know that forsure. Ill see how he acts in it before placing him with the big boys
  12. ericjn

    Emperor Angel help!

    Hey guys, so I have decided to go out and buy an emperor angel. He will be placed in my 55 gal durring his small juvi days (im getting a 1 and a half to 2in long) until he gets big enough for my big boy tank (180 gal). Ive done alot of research on the guy and im feeling really confident with...
  13. ericjn

    does this stocking list seem ok?

    wo guys lets get along here lol. Um one more question is thier a posibility id be able to squeeze in a blonde naso tang in there too, or am I pushing my luck?
  14. ericjn

    does this stocking list seem ok?

    yea I know about the problems with bettas, I just really like the fish and want to give it a try. Plus gives me a big reason to get a moonlight thier is one really good cave like spot I just know it will love I just want to give it a try and see. The trigger I have so far has been the nicest...
  15. ericjn

    does this stocking list seem ok?

    ic well the trigger is the oldest of the fish i have now and as of so far hes the nicest trigger ive ever seen, I know that can change but hes never bullied any one as of yet. Im hopin he stays that way, its kinda why I went with a dwarf lion since his fins wont stick out as far. But Im hoping...
  16. ericjn

    does this stocking list seem ok?

    180 gal LR system 1. Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish* 2. Porcupine Pufferfish* 3. Pacific Sailfin Tang* 4. Flame Angel 5. Niger Trigger* 6. Marine Betta 7. Harlequin Tusk *= Already have
  17. ericjn

    should i buy some hermit crabs just for puffer snacks?

    Mostly brine and mysis....With spirulina. Ive thrown some squid and other foods inthere every now and then to give him a lil menu but im worried about keeping his teeth filed down so to say.... Oh all the food is frozen
  18. ericjn

    should i buy some hermit crabs just for puffer snacks?

    I have a porc puffer, and this is a diff tank i have him in... The other tank had coral sand/rocks shells as the gravel so he would sometimes pick things off the ground to help keep his teeth be ground..... Now this tank is sand, so I need to find a way to get him to file his teeth would getting...
  19. ericjn

    2 quick questions.... fuzzy d lion, and lil sail fin tang

    ic thanks for all the comments have alot of new things to try. The sail fin flat out ignors the sheets, but does pick at the live rock and somtimes in the sand so hes getting a lil bit but not enough of his greens. Both the misis and brine have spirulina in them. Ive tried the Emerald entrees in...
  20. ericjn

    2 quick questions.... fuzzy d lion, and lil sail fin tang

    hmmm ic... Well i got 2 mollys today he ate them right up, my pufferfish stared one down until the lion came over it was kinda funny like what in the world are you? haha, Im going to keep trying silver slides, and shrimp till i can get him to bite. The Lion is very active, searches the tank non...