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  1. dreighter1

    CUC question?

    I went to my lfs the other day and and got some snails and wanted to get some nassarius snails put the guy said it could eat fish and shrimp. is this true?
  2. dreighter1

    Sand Cleaner....

    Can nassarius snails eat fish or shrimp? i went to my lfs and was adding on to my cuc, and the guy said that nassarus snails can kill my fish and shrimp.. I heard nothing but good things about these snails so i think he's insane in the membrane... but a good person . but could someone help me...
  3. dreighter1

    Omg Awesome Deal @ Lfs!

    you never know what you can get from live rocks. but when gorilla crabs are young they have a white color body, hairy legs like emerald crabs, and when they get bigger they turn brown and sometimes their eyes turn red.. they can look like crabs from hell. i think they are. they also are very...
  4. dreighter1

    Omg Awesome Deal @ Lfs!

    the crab that hitchhike from your live rock could be a gorilla crab. if this is the case than thats bad.. they eat your corals and could kill fish. my friend had tons of these in his tank. they can grow fast and get to the size of emerald crabs.
  5. dreighter1

    Candy anemone.

    what i do is just hand it a piece of shrimp towards the middle of it and it will grab it right away. they are very aggressive and will move a lot until its happy. but my clown fish enjoy it as a home!!!!