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  1. absolutekind

    HELP! My Xenia never pulse

    I've purchased these Xenia several months ago from my LFS. The Xenia are pulsing Xenia because they are frags from the tank at the LFS. The Xenia mine came from pulse like crazy at the LFS. I know they are healthy because they have grown in the last few months as well. Here's what I have in my...
  2. absolutekind

    Star Polyps not blooming...Help!!!

    "My gsp lost all of its polyps for about 3 weeks. The mat was still spreading though, and just about 5 days ago little clear polyps started to appear and now they are turning green." What do you mean by, "lost" your GSPs. Did they all just fall off and float in the water of just stay retracted...
  3. absolutekind

    Star Polyps not blooming...Help!!!

    They have to bloom out to feed though, right? What do you feed yours? I have kept a close eye on my emerald crabs. They are beginning to get too curious of both my xenia and polyps. I've never feed them directly, I was under the impression you didn't have too. Maybe that is my problem?
  4. absolutekind

    Star Polyps not blooming...Help!!!

    Yes, they are Green Star Polyps. I've had them for several weeks and this is the first problem I've had. There matting has not changed color, it's still purple. I have emerald crabs that routinely clean the matting when the polyps retire for the night. Now, I've not spot fed them yet. Maybe...
  5. absolutekind

    What next....

    I have a 38G reef tank and added a, MIDAS BLENNIE a few weeks ago and he's been awesome. After a couple of days hiding in his spot on the reef he comes out all the time. This fish doesn't require a lot of space and are very peaceful. They are also coral and invert safe. After just a couple of...
  6. absolutekind

    Star Polyps not blooming...Help!!!

    I posted this same thread on the reef forum, but no one had any advice. For the past several days (about 5) my star polyps have not come out. Is this normal or do I need to find the problem and fix it? My other corals (Ricordia, Xenia, Zoo's) are all doing just fine. My fish and inverts are...
  7. absolutekind

    Star Polyps have not opened in three days

    All of my fish and other corals (ricordia, xenia, zoos) are doing just fine. My star polyps have not "bloomed" in three days. There's nothing atop the polyps and all of my levels are fine. Any suggestions?
  8. absolutekind

    Midas Blenny not eating

    You say, "Place the food by his spot" how do you do that in the water? I have taken my baster and emptied out brine shrimp right in front of him and he didn't eat it. Thanks for your reply, by the way!
  9. absolutekind

    Midas Blenny not eating

    I've had a Midas Bleeny for about 3 days now and he is not responding to any food. I've tried mysis, brine, and pellet food and he won't eat any of it. He just stays in his perch with his head sticking out (I know they are suppose to behave like that). The rest of my fish (2 clown, 2 damsels)...
  10. absolutekind

    Brown Algae all over glass

    You know, that's a good point. I do have a "Mag-float" but put in away since there WAS no need. What about the back of the tank? I am feeding a couple of clown fish.
  11. absolutekind

    Brown Algae all over glass

    Any way to tame the brown algae growing all over my glass? It is brown and a little faint, but grows faster then I can clean it off. I have 4 turbo snails, 4 medium size snails (believe are turbo as well), 4 emerald crabs, and two shrimp (skunk and fire). Any ideas? I have 96W CP on 8 hours a...
  12. absolutekind

    Marineland C-220 Canister filiter won't stop pushing out air bubbles

    I've had my tank set up for about 2 months now and I am beginning to encounter problems with my canister filter (Marineland C-220). Every since I cleaned it and replaced some of the media the filter has not been the same. It keeps putting out small amounts of air bubbles in my tank. Now, I know...
  13. absolutekind

    Buying fish online/who from and why not LFS?

    I've been in the hobby for about 5 weeks and my tank has been cycled for about two weeks. Now that all my levels are good and I've keep a fire shrimp/5 emerald crabs/5 snails alive I want to start stocking my tank with fish. I choose to start with inverts because I wanted a "cleaning crew" to be...
  14. absolutekind

    Coraline on LR

    I just got a 38 gallon and bought a load of branch rock with tons of coraline already on it. It's hard to tell in your picture if that is, or is not, coraline. My coraline is a deep purple and covers the entire branch rock I purchased (at a price I might add) I use a product called, "Purple Up"...
  15. absolutekind

    Best Protein Skimmer for 29gal

    Whatever you do, DO NOT get a biocube protein skimmer. Even if you have a biocube these guys do not work. I've had mine for awhile now it has not done anything. I ended up ordering an Aqua-C remora like these guys are recomending. I've done a lot of research and foud that is best fit for my 38...
  16. absolutekind

    New Diamond Gobby making a mess in my tank

    Yeah, I had a lot of brown algi growing all over my live sand. Looks like he's taken care of most of it, causing a bit of a ruckus in the mean time.
  17. absolutekind

    New Diamond Gobby making a mess in my tank

    Thanks! Did you do anything to counteract the, "sandstorm" or just let it do its thing for a few days?
  18. absolutekind

    New Diamond Gobby making a mess in my tank

    I added a diamond Gobby to my 38 gallon tank yesterday and he is making a mess with the live sand. He keeps eating the sand and then spiting it out in a fine dust and making my water cloudy. This was not happening with any of the gobby's at the LSF when they ate the sand and spit it out. I have...