New Diamond Gobby making a mess in my tank


New Member
I added a diamond Gobby to my 38 gallon tank yesterday and he is making a mess with the live sand. He keeps eating the sand and then spiting it out in a fine dust and making my water cloudy.
This was not happening with any of the gobby's at the LSF when they ate the sand and spit it out. I have a powerhead at the top level of my tank, but I feel like that should not effect the movement of the sand my gobby spits out on the bottom of the tank.
I've turned my powerhead down and I am currently letting the sand settle by turning off my canister filter and powerhead for a couple of hours.
Any advice?


Active Member
Very normal behavior from diamond gobies. Mine did it all the time. eventually the sand storm will stop.


Active Member
I just left it alone. My diamond was in my 210 so the sand storm persisted for about two weeks because there was so much sand.


Active Member
thats one of the drawback with diamond gobies. Once the sandbed is cleaned, it will stop somewhat.


New Member
Yeah, I had a lot of brown algi growing all over my live sand. Looks like he's taken care of most of it, causing a bit of a ruckus in the mean time.


Originally Posted by Absolutekind
Yeah, I had a lot of brown algi growing all over my live sand. Looks like he's taken care of most of it, causing a bit of a ruckus in the mean time.
LOL...I have a sand sifting goby in my doesn't exactly create a sandstorm, but it does put sand in a lot of places I don't want it.....thank goodness for turkey basters


it sounds like the water flow is to high. My goby sifts the sand and it falls right back to the floor.
maybe sound is also to fine a grain. I mixed arag alive live sand with super fine sand and the mix is good, never have a sandstorm


Active Member
If your tank/sand is quite new, it can also be due to that. Once the sand "matures" a bit and grows bacteria, etc...and a lot of the really fine stuff is filtered out - it may not be as much of an issue. Unfortunately, though, it might continue to be a problem. :(


Active Member
Here is my "Canned" post about these little guys..Observations from over time of mine......... I have had the same monster for about three years now, even without a cover on the tank, he has never jumped. He is now about 7 inches..............
The one fish to have if you want a spotless substrate is this guy. Diamond Goby (aka) Rotor-tiller fish). Many folks use this guy. But they have many downfalls too.
The issues with them are number one, they tend to be jumpers ( no issues with mine) quiet home no kids anymore to startle him with noise. Also a nearly 50 gallon fuge feeding the little pod eater. I have seen where they are tide poll skippers. As long as they have food in this "little tide pool" I think they do not tend to try to leave the pool (jump out of your tank) But it your tank runs out of pods etc , carpet surfing 101 seems to be their next class in school.
The do eat just about anything in the substrate (pods included) leaving the substrate barren of seeable critters. Next, they will rearrange the landscaping of your substrate regularly!! If you have a "DSB" he will make mountains out of it in places. One other big issue is hiding any Frags left within his reach, they will magically vanish. Other than the above issues, they are just about unbeatable at keeping the substrate clean, but you pay the cost of living with these issues forever more. Plus they really are a neat fish to watch work.........
As a post mark to the above old post. I find today after several years in the tank, the moving of sand is far less of an issue. These days, he seems to spend a great deal of time in one of his caves just peering out looking for a handout.
Here are some shots of the beast .First about to dig a mouthfull...

Next sand flying;

And the last, can I hide this frag now??

Good Luck.... Warren