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  1. h2oluvr

    Cant Get Ph Up

  2. h2oluvr

    Need To Get Ph Up

    How Do I Get My Ph Up?? Its At 7.6 Had The Tank Up For About 5-6 Months Now.everything Else Is Good But That???
  3. h2oluvr

    Help my water is green!!!!!

    Originally Posted by lil.guppy Here it is Wow...It sounds just like my problem..I used the same sand in my tank!!! Guess I should try to clean out the sand below..THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE LINK!!! Ill take some pics of the before...
  4. h2oluvr

    Help my water is green!!!!!

    First I want to thank you all for your help... yes I do have sunlight near the tank but its not direct sun..I was leaving my lights on alot .. I did a water change and cleaned the filter..i have kept the light off for a few days and kept the blinds near the tank closed and this evening I turned...
  5. h2oluvr

    Help my water is green!!!!!

    Originally Posted by casper1875 You'll need to test your water and post the results. What size tank do you have? How long has it been set up? Is it a reef tank or fish only with live rock? List as much as you can it will make it easier for people to help you out. Thanks, I will test the water...
  6. h2oluvr

    Help my water is green!!!!!

    I need help ...My water is green, I did a 50% h2o change it looked better for the first day now its green again and i can hardly see the fish... How do I get rid of it??
  7. h2oluvr

    Why does my bubble do this?

    what is the best lighting for anemones???
  8. h2oluvr

    Why does my bubble do this?

    marine glo blue and power glo white
  9. h2oluvr

    Why does my bubble do this?

    I just looked at him and hes filling back up again..guess he did his thing!! Thanks for the help everyone!! I feel sooo much better
  10. h2oluvr

    Why does my bubble do this?

    whew thats it??? its just gotta POOP???? thought it was going to fishy heaven...whew.....
  11. h2oluvr

    Why does my bubble do this?

    i've had the bubble for about 5 days, T5 high output lighting (2different spectrums) We feed it zooplex, shrimp. Thanks for the Help
  12. h2oluvr

    Why does my bubble do this?

    Why does my bubble look like this. It did it this a.m then filled back up now looks like this again.