Why does my bubble do this?


New Member
Why does my bubble look like this. It did it this a.m then filled back up now looks like this again.


Sometimes they deflate when they expell waste
BUT...how old is your tank? And what type of lighting do you have?
How long have you had anemone? What do you feed it?


New Member
i've had the bubble for about 5 days, T5 high output lighting (2different spectrums) We feed it zooplex, shrimp. Thanks for the Help


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by H2OLUVR
i've had the bubble for about 5 days, T5 high output lighting (2different spectrums) We feed it zooplex, shrimp. Thanks for the Help

It is attached so it is fine and happy...just going poop


New Member
I just looked at him and hes filling back up again..guess he did his thing!! Thanks for the help everyone!! I feel sooo much better


Active Member
on the lighting are they individual reflected how many lamps and what kind of lamps as in 10k or just blue


Active Member
if it is bigger than a 10g tank your lights are not going to work look into nova pro and tec lights or metal halide


It looks stressed to me with its mouth open like that. What are your tank parameters? Is it currently accepting food?


My bta did that when I first got it. Now it does it less often ... i guess it just needed to get comfortable. I have the same lighting as you in a 65 gallon and i've had my bta for over 6 months now and it's doing well ... eating squid and shrimp.