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  1. 710delta

    need help diagnosing problem with clown

    I thought that it could be clownfish disease but i am not very sure. I think that whatever it is, that it must be in an early stage. I would like to stop this before it gets any worse. Hopefully someone can help us with this.
  2. 710delta

    need help diagnosing problem with clown

    I have a 29 gal with 2 perc clowns. I noticed the other day that the female was staying in one spot near the bottom and appeared to be breathing rather rapidly. I check my levels and everything was fine except the trates were a bit high so I did a water change. It doesn't appear to be ick, I...
  3. 710delta

    Hey all you DIY'ers - Canopy/Lighting Q

    broomer5 I would like to do a "non-industry" ballast like you are going to do. What should i look for to make sure that i am getting the right type of ballast. I will probably be running a 175watt bulb.
  4. 710delta

    Hey all you DIY'ers - Canopy/Lighting Q

    hey, broomer5. with the 175 watt MH, are you planning on a DIY job. I was just wondering because i would like to build my own but am trying to figure what type of light and ballast to go with. I read the post about DIY for $100 and would like to know what you think.
  5. 710delta

    Hey all you DIY'ers - Canopy/Lighting Q

    Hey, jakepilot. If you could send me a copy of those plans i would appreciate it ( by the way, what airline do you fly for. My dad flys for delta and i plan on flying for skywest in a couple years.
  6. 710delta

    powerhead placement

    I have a 29 gallon with about 25lbs of lr. I have 2 powerheads and am wondering what the best placement for them would be.
  7. 710delta

    creature of the night!

    As far as I could tell, it pulled back into itself like pulling the toe from the sock. Is this a worm that I should worry about or is it fine to leave.
  8. 710delta

    creature of the night!

    A week ago I bought some lr from my lfs. Last night after the lights had been out for some time, I noticed a long tan something that was attached to my lr and streched out digging through my substrate. The thing was about the size of a coffee straw and streched about 2-3 inches. When I shined...
  9. 710delta

    input on stacking lr for a reef

    I have a 29 gallon tank with about 20lbs of lr. I am planning on buying more rock this week. The pieces of lr that I have are larger base rock. I have heard that it is not good to stack against the back of the tank and would just like to hear how other people have done their tanks.
  10. 710delta

    need help fast!!!

    Hey, BirdWorld is the place that I shop. They have a good selection of fish and aquarium supplies. I removed almost all of my water before pulling out the sand. I did however end up adding about 10 gallons of new salt water. I tried acclimated my fish and inverts as best as I could but I...
  11. 710delta

    need help fast!!!

    I have a 29 gallon tank with 2 damsels, 18 blue legs, 1 cleaner and 1 brittle star. I decided to try quickcrete in my tank on Monday but it didn't seem to work very well. During this time I put my fish, rock, crabs, shrimp and brittle star in an old tank with a heater and powerhead. The...
  12. 710delta

    looking for quickcrete advice

    thanks for the info. I removed my live rock, shrimp, brittle star, and fish because I was worried that they would have problems with the transition. I guess I will just give it more time to settle and go from there.
  13. 710delta

    looking for quickcrete advice

    I have a 29gallon tank that I just added quickcrete to yesterday. I cleaned of the sand as good as possible before introducing it but there seems to be alot of silt. Is this sand that just has not settled or do I need to try and remove it? Any advice would be helpful
  14. 710delta

    ?changing substrate

    currently I am running 2 aquaclear 150's with a powerhead pushing about 170 gal/hr. My ammonia and nitrites are at 0, nitrates are about 5 and ph I think is around 8.2. I was going to just add sand right now and maybe some ls in the future. Most of this is new to me, I am learning as I go. I...
  15. 710delta

    ?changing substrate

    I have a 29g tank that has been running for about 6wks. I have finished my cycle but am having a tough time deciding on my substrate. I started with cc and a undergravel filter. I pulled the undergravel and put a large grain sand on top of the cc. I am not too happy with this and am...