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  1. ny reef

    detrius attack....

    What is the best animal to have to remove the detrius from the bottom and is it necassary to remove old snail and crab shells from the bottom of your tank after they get sucked into my powerhead and die??? :mad:
  2. ny reef

    can just any playsand be used?

    The foundation of your tank is the substrate and the Live rock you put in there I would not take shortcuts it might hurt you later I would use substrate that was approved even if it cost a little more...But thats just me..Good Luck.
  3. ny reef


    thanks for the tips
  4. ny reef


    What does everyone feed there Anenome's I was looking for some diffrent foods but it seems to like shrimp...
  5. ny reef


    OK can anyone answer this when all levels in your tank are normal except Nitrate which mine is 50 I did a water change and brought it to 30. Is it possible that they are hi because I need to add algae control package I mean will this help right now I have 3 emerald crabs, serpant star, tang...
  6. ny reef

    Hagen 402 HELP

    so you put the bioball inside the cone?
  7. ny reef

    Hagen 402 HELP

    Hello everyone I could use a suggestion about the intake on my 402 powerhead it has recently sucked in 2 of my green chromis ..Help should i leave the cone right off of it would this help? :(
  8. ny reef


    Well I have recieved My rock and along with it a 1.5 inch emerald crab I had 2 of them and I was starring at the tank in my normal transe and POW there he was It was funny as hell scared the crap out of my daughter she screamed and then we stared in amasement I din't know they got that...
  9. ny reef

    New Rock

    thank you...
  10. ny reef

    New Rock

    ok everyone quick one here will my tank have a severe cycle again if I add an additional 45lbs of rock to the 45lbs I have ...I have a 55 gal tank. :)
  11. ny reef

    Need Help

    I lost an emerald crab tonight but I think my coral banded shrimp and him got into a fight because the coral lost an arm also. Is this normal for them to fight or could it be that my Nitrates are 40ppm everything else is normal..Help <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  12. ny reef

    Emrald Crabs

    mine just wanted to say hello!!!I have 3 :D
  13. ny reef

    Detrius Attack???

    ok help please I want to know what is the most effective animal or orginism to remove detrius from my reef tank bottom and rocks?? 55Gal reef <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />
  14. ny reef

    what is it?

    found a crab today inside the live rock but sorry to say it was DOA... <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />
  15. ny reef

    What is IT?

  16. ny reef

    What is IT?

    Ok here we go again it is Brown with a white tip on 1 end it is about 2 inches in length and I found it lying on my sand bed it looks like a POD of some sort any guesses.. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  17. ny reef

    What to do on a 10 day vacation?

    I would not make drastic changes like that Is there anyone you would trust to keep an eye on it?? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
  18. ny reef

    emperor 400B (filter)

    does anyone have a problem with the emperor 400 keeping out minute particuls?
  19. ny reef

    Sad story, Maybe a Happy Ending.

    any pictures would love to see the anemone...!! :D
  20. ny reef

    What will grow?

    I havent seen any of those critters yet except for my muscles..