Ok...I will cut down on food, and I do give some greens, seaweed by ocean nutrition...i think i got it thru swf. Can I cut the lights down, if I have a open brain and green bubble anemones? So with regards to other food should I get something else besides the greens, sponge and mysis? Or is that...
That was the first thing I changed the bulb 1 month ago...i feed frozen brine,and mysis one cube per day! I clean the media one set evey water change(2 of he 4 pads) just in the last 2 water changes all new....Is one of the cubes too much?
3 years, 54 gallon, 2 clowns, angel, Sally, peppermint, and not enough snails, lights on 8 hrs, 250 watt metal halide! Ro/di water, water change one time per week 10 gallons each time! Protein skimmer, fluval 305
So I am having a algae outbreak and don't know why...check my phosphate levels..0... Nitrate...5. Everything else is good also....any ideas...my clean up crew is pretty low, getting a bunch 50 snails and things Thursday ....will they clean it up...any other ideas?
My tank about a week ago started getting green algae in my sand...I do water changes once per week 10 percent, I lightly vacuumed it twice the past two water changes and it is back within a day, also have left the lights off for a day and a half twice....and bought a new halide Phoenix bulb...
For the past week my one clown(bigger one) has been beating up on the other. They have been in tank together for 2 years..the larger has been in tank for 3 years, the smaller for 2. The smaller one has resorted to hiding, i have 3 anemones in the tank so they aren't fighting over one. Have...
Ok just wondering what my limit on fish for my tank is...currently 2 clowns...1 blue hippo Yang(small 1.5 inches) and a flame angel...I know I am getting real close but would like to get one more...to much?
How often should I give the nori? I currently have 2 clowns and the small tang In my 54 gallon tankand don't wanna over feed. I try and give them 1/2 cu e of the mysis or brine per day. How often should I put the seaweed in? How long should I leave it on the clip. So far he hasn't even...
last week i added a Blue Hippo Tang, I went out and bought some sinking algae disc. It does not apper he is eating it..doesnt even pay attention or see it falling. Any suggestions on what I should feed it. It is my understanding it wont eat the mysis shrimp i feed other fish? Dont want to...
I know the nassarius should bury themselves thats what worries me they were all just sitting on top of sand, didnt look this morning. The peppermint is so small there is no way to see it at night let alone the day
Originally Posted by meowzer
Most pepermints are tiny, and so are...
So just got my first ever order from SWF and the Peppermint shrimp is the smallest thing i ever saw..It is a 1/4 inch long. do they always send ones this small? I put it in the tank(i did acclimate it) and who knows if its alive or dead because no one would be able to see or find it! I barely...
I have had a bubble algae outbreak, and have now scrubbed all the LR except the 3 that have my Anemones on them. How can i safely move them to another rock so I can scrub those rocks.(I take the rocks out and scrub them in sink and rinse with saltwater) Of course those rocks are the worst!
Ok sounds good...i will just do a water change and save the water to use as a scrub..and then use the fresh SW to rinse...do you think i can do all the LR in one day? it won"t cause a cycle will it?