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  1. evasquez

    Need NANO sand sifter???

    I have a small fighting conch who does a good job and luckily my yellow watchman does good work too! 12 gallon cube
  2. evasquez

    light upgrade on BC14

    I have a BTA under 48 watts of PC in a 12g cube. I was told to keep it fed well and stay on top of my water. So far its going great! Your going to have alot of replies telling you its impossible. Its definately not recommended but no impossible. My opinion is that you don't need a halide. I...
  3. evasquez

    Eddie's 12 gallon reef

    I just installed the NVM moonlight fix so now my daylights and actinics can be run on a timer while the moonlights are running 24/7 on their own power cord. Now I need some ideas on something to add to my tank that is blue... I want to add some blue cause my corals all green, red, orange...
  4. evasquez

    speaking of lucky to be near the beach...

    Get off the womans case! She is doing a fun experiment. My dad has done this with water from the nasty Texas gulf coast water. He lives in Corpus Christi, TX and has a gulf coast 29 gallon with 29 sump. He caught 2 sea horses in oso bay which is a gross bay we fish in and used sand, rock and...
  5. evasquez

    Eddie's 12 gallon reef

    Thanks guys! Its not really a new tank. I transferred some of my 58 to the it was established rock and water...but i am aware of the risk anyhow... Im not sure how I got the rock so purple...i don't add any chemicals...and the only thing i do is weekly water maybe it has...
  6. evasquez

    Eddie's 12 gallon reef

    first tank pic here's the list 12 gallon jbj nanocube dx stock hood with PC lighting (1-50/50 and 1 dual actinic) hydor wave maker 15 lbs of LR with nice coraline green bta peppermint shrimp 5 zebra hermits 2 turbo snails 6 nassarius snails 1 sm fighting conch 2 true percs 1 yellow watchman...
  7. evasquez

    torch coral stinging?

    definately not a sting seriously looked like a tentacle was bit and shredded off...must be poop...the coral itself is doing good though...odd thanks guys
  8. evasquez

    torch coral stinging?

    parts of it detached and the remaining came back in...if i see it again i will take a pic... Thanks guys
  9. evasquez

    torch coral stinging?

    the frag went from halide to PC' from higher to lower...the sting thing retracted just like a normal tentacle...
  10. evasquez

    torch coral stinging?

    coming directly from the center of the coral is a brown colored stringy looking tentacle doesn't look normal...what is that?
  11. evasquez

    JBJ moonlight mod

    exactly what i was shooting for...i hope you find it!!!
  12. evasquez

    JBJ moonlight mod

    I want to be able to have a timer to turn the main lights off/on while the moonlights just remain of now both lights have to either be on or off at the same time any ideas
  13. evasquez

    JBJ nanocube12 moonlight mod

    have any of you ever rewired the lighting so that the timer could turn off/on mainlights and on/off moonlights as opposed to both lights turning off with the one switch?
  14. evasquez

    check out my 1 month old 12 gallon cube progress

    yah it looks bigger than it really is...its about the size of a good brocoli head... lol i thought the same thing when i looked at the pic right in behind the clown...still doing good...the angle i took the pic shawdowed the area he is in...still in the same exact spot as the previous pics... i...
  15. evasquez

    check out my 1 month old 12 gallon cube progress

    I purchases a torch coral frag and moved my glove polyps because they were not visible at their previous spot behind the fox coral isn't too opened cause my snail just finished walking all over him I also put in a hydor koralia circulation pump btw what is a good camera for tank shots...
  16. evasquez

    check out my 1 month old 12 gallon cube progress

    well everything came out of my 58 gallon reef...rock...water so the cycle was tiny...the anemone came from a reef with pc lighting and was in there for close to a split and i got was used to pc and seems to be doing great...i have pcs...i didn't add everything at once...i...
  17. evasquez

    check out my 1 month old 12 gallon cube progress

    sorry didn't know that...i re posted it...this is my favorite forum anyhow!!! nicer people
  18. evasquez

    check out my 1 month old 12 gallon cube progress

    I now have: Green BTA 4 Glove Polyps Fox Coral GSP (bought as frag) 3 Bullseye Mushroom (came with liverock) Pulsating Xenia (came with liverock) 6 Nassarius snails 3 Zebra Hermits and 1 accidental blue leg hermit 1 small fighting conch 1 Turbo Snail 2 True Clowns 1 Yellow Watchman Goby 1...
  19. evasquez

    overkill in a 12g

    is it overkill to have 2 clowns, 1 yellow watchman goby and a green clown goby in a 12 gallon jbj? i don't have the green clown goby yet but i want him...what do you think? i do weekly water changes and every week my water tests great!
  20. evasquez

    different coral

    i have a 12gallon jbj deluxe cube. i am wanting some different colors in there...i have 2 clowns, 1 yellow watchman goby, peppermint shrimp, various snails, green BTA, GSP, purple mushrooms, pulsating zenia and a fox coral... what are some other pretty colored corals... i have 2- 24watt 50/50 PC's