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  1. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by BrandonSivek Man, I just got caught up on this thread, it is AWESOME to say the least. Are there any updates on the Aquarium build? Hello Brandon. I'm glad you can join us. I'm am sorry for the lack of updates. I've been travelling and won't have any updates any...
  2. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    This is more interesting than pretty, here is a video of a leopard flounder I shot in Dibba Rock:
  3. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    I went diving this past Thursday and wanted to share some pictures with you: Enjoy..
  4. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by spanko Do you plan on coral for this wonderful piece of the ocean? I'm supposed to start adding some local frags this month. I'm not sure though. I would rather wait until it is more stable than it is right now. The corals are all local as well. I'll have an update...
  5. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    It has been a while since my last 'proper' update. Here we go: The flooring is 'nearly' done. I mostly like how it looks/feels. The columns are up awaiting the arrival of the shading material. I'm having some trouble with the fish farm: there is a leak that require the draining of the fish farm...
  6. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer OMG...I would love to be able to do that....amazing My kids said they HAD to come in with me and actually jumped into the tank. Tomorrow, I'll probably end up with 7 people in the tank LOL
  7. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    A video while snorkelling (make sure to watch in HD):
  8. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by spanko Excellent! Thanks..   Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer AMAZING....I am so glad I have been following this thread :) I'm glad you like the updates even though they are few and far between.  
  9. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Some pictures while outside and inside the tank. All the photos are untouched; just resized.The lamps are just what the MHs came with, planning to change these to 20,000K soon.             While snorkelling in the tank:   Some unidentified objects:   Next project: DIY Skimmer.. :)
  10. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gill again68 Looks like some great flow. Is the flow one directional or do you have alternating flow? There are currently two props in the tank making 72,000 gph each. They are both running at the moment but it will be alternating with some overlap when I get the...
  11. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Thank you everyone, Here is a video of the props in action: (Make sure to watch in HD)
  12. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    I have some photos for you. They aren't that good; too hot for me to really concentrate on taking photos. I connected the controller. It says that the pH is 8.7 which I guess is a bit high. The temperature is around 33 C which is high. I didn't calibrate the temperature probe so maybe there is a...
  13. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Here are some photos of today: This s a view of the mangrove isle I've made. The water still didn't clear up. Another view of the mangrove isle I've made. The equipment bunker as it stands now. The entrance to the equipment bunker. The electrical work being done. This is by far the most...
  14. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Wanted to check out the light penetration (a 150w MH). I'm only using the lights for night viewing. The water is a bit cloudy because I've just added some water from the sea. I also had some focus issues. (Watch in HD)
  15. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    I decided to take some photos (and a video) from inside the tank. As I said I've piled some rocks and am planning to add some more soon. It is hard work though; some of the rocks we had three people carrying to the tank. A photo from the back wall towards the glass. The walls was totally...
  16. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    These are photos I took today. Not really representative because of the time of day; reflection on the glass is a killer. My brain coral was doing fine for months until I added some contaminated water from the sea. I was so unlucky to open the sea-line at the time of the dumping. Usually the...
  17. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Sorry for not updating this thread often. I have a couple of other threads elsewhere that I update and totally forgot about this one. Here are some new pictures of the 'backyard': :) An overview of the backyard as it looks on the 04th of July. A close-up of the aquarium. A front shot of the...
  18. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Originally Posted by meowzer WOW...It looks great....I love the crab...LOL...Do you have just one? What kind of fish are in there? Are you going to get different types??? Are you going to add more rock? No I have several crabs but I don't know where they go :) I can't tell you what is...
  19. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Here is a video of the fish in the tank. I left the water sit for a couple of days and it cleared up well. I still need it to clear up more though. The fish went crazy when I turned the pumps on:
  20. nahham

    A ~19,000 Gallon Fish Tank

    Filled the tank with water and let it set for 3 days. Here is how it looks: Here are some shots from the top of the water: Here is how the Fish Farm (aka Fish Spa). The water is a bit lower than it should be because of a small leak. Planning to fix it soon. 'Stuff' (meaning the green stuff)...