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  1. cbj25

    Lighting Question

    i would like to respectfully disagree with coralreefer. You can keep sps and lps under those t5's. As for the eheim canister, that would be a good choice if you choose to go that route. I have one on my 29 gallon reef and it has served me well for about a year and a half now. If you can...
  2. cbj25

    zoo question

    sounds like your lighting is good. I would get some pH buffer in there to get the pH up. Then you could safely add soft corals. I would avoid any hard corals until you get a calcium test kit.
  3. cbj25

    Buffers and Supplements

    Kent Tech A and B are pretty good products. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking for a solid, comprehensive product, my problem with this product is that it is so comprehensive. I like to figure out what my tank actually needs and dose that instead of dosing a comprehensive two part...
  4. cbj25

    zoo question

    you can begin adding coral as soon as your nitrogen cycle is done and your pH is 8.0 or better and calcium is 400 or better. I would stick with zoanthids, mushrooms, and leathers for now if you have never kept corals before. What kind of lighting are your running?
  5. cbj25

    T5 lighting question

    wavepoint makes some very good quality t5 bulbs too. I am running three 2X39w nova fixtures (i work at an lfs so three fixtures was more economical than one 6X39w). here is a pic of my tank with Blue Wave (460 nm) Coral Wave (doesnt say a spectrum but it is a purpleish pink bulb) Blue Wave...
  6. cbj25

    BTLDReef's 155G Update

    very nice tank. I really like your blaso wellsi's, very nice. That acan garden should be awesome when it grows out too.
  7. cbj25

    65 Gallon Reef

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef Looks great, can you take some pics with the daylight on? Or is that just how blue your tank is??? I'm looking at pics on my phone, what kind of tang is that? That is how my tank looks, i am only running one daylight bulb, a 12K, i really like the look of the...
  8. cbj25

    65 Gallon Reef

    I upgraded my Koralia Nano to a Koralia 1 a couple of days ago for fear of the magnet corrosion killing my corals... so i took the magnet out and up the Korallia Nano into my other tank and the suction cup alone is keeping it up, seems to be working nicely. So those of you with Koralia Nano...
  9. cbj25

    65 Gallon Reef

    So I got my hands on a pretty nice camera for the moment and will try to figure out how it works... if i can manage that I will have some new pictures up tonight. Today I also redid the rock work in my 29 gallon reef and picked up some new frags. I really like the rockwork so far, it looks...
  10. cbj25

    Blueberry gorgonian, happy little guy :)

    bump. Sweet tank, you must have a pretty good connection
  11. cbj25

    65 Gallon Reef

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef Looks good What type of setup are you running (lights, etc)? -6 x 39 watt T5's -Precision Marine Skimmer (hang on the back... I know... im moving soon and did not want to move a drilled tank, will be drilling it when I am in a more permanent location) -Flistar...
  12. cbj25

    65 Gallon Reef

    The tank has been up for five months now here are some pictures from 10/16/09. I will post more recent pictures soon. Enjoy... Full Tank Shot Acan Lords