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  1. rbradley

    My firefish disappeared!

    Well 3 weeks is a long time and I can't even lure it out with different foods, so I'm assuming he's a goner....
  2. rbradley

    My firefish disappeared!

    I have/had a red firefish. The first week I saw it swimming in upper third of the tank a lot. I haven't seen it in almost 3 weeks. I checked everything, water amm, ph, trates, trites, sg, cal etc. I even checked the carpet. Everything is fine except the fish has disappeared. Could my green...
  3. rbradley

    What is this?

    I have about an inch long white tube growing out of some live rock. Sometimes it has a short bunch of hair like stuff sticking out of it. Does anyone know what it is?
  4. rbradley

    My CPR skimmer fills the tank w mico bubbles!! HELP :)

    Hondo, What is a bio-baleon a skimmer anyway?
  5. rbradley

    Fighting clownfish

    I returned the maroon today, got store credit, and took home a dwarf angle. All is well in tank now! Thanx for all the info. I only wish I had found this message board Sooner.
  6. rbradley

    Fighting clownfish

    Day 2. tomatoe clown is still acting badley towards new one.gonna give it more time. neither clown wants anything to do with the new bubble anemone. Its pure white ,Iv read that thats bad .Is it dying or what? The other bubble anemone (brown) wont stay put. HELP!!!!!!!!!!
  7. rbradley

    Fighting clownfish

    My tank is 55 gal. I have 1 yellow tang,1 fire shrimp, 2cleeaners, 2 anemones, and app. 45 lbs. of live rock. hopefully, the new clown will make its new home in the unused anemone.
  8. rbradley

    Fighting clownfish

    My current tomato clown is attacking my new marron clown. I have 2 anemmines. Will they be ok after a while?