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  1. the bro

    The Bro's first Saltwater Aquarium 29g BioCube

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB acros looking a bit brown Yea and it still looking on the brown side after over a month. The brown is a more "healtly" looking borwn and around the base is getting some neon green pigments. How fast does this stuff color/grow normally?   Off the subject...
  2. the bro

    2 Part Dosing Cal / Kh kits ?

    Quick question about this 2 part stuff, im starting not to like it and thinking about going back to my same routine that gave me no problem. How often can or should this stuff be used? Everyday?
  3. the bro

    The Bro's first Saltwater Aquarium 29g BioCube

    MY ACRO after 3 weeks, doing great!! Also got me another nice piece of lr that looks like a cave in itself, it was in a shipment that jus came in so im gonna cycle it in another tank for a few weeks before i add it to the tank.
  4. the bro

    2 Part Dosing Cal / Kh kits ?

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB you should be testing day by day to get an idea of how much cal/alk you're using. also, if you have just 1 sps frag in there, you're not gonna need to dose if you're doing weekly water changes Thanks for the reply Nike. Yea thats the idea i just got thrown off...
  5. the bro

    2 Part Dosing Cal / Kh kits ?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy It would be unusual for Calcium to decrease faster than Alkalinity, not unheard of, just unusual. Typically Alkalinity decreases slightly faster than Calcium.   If true then yes, you want to dose more of the calcium additive to maintain the balance between...
  6. the bro

    2 Part Dosing Cal / Kh kits ?

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB you should be dosing equal parts of calcium and alkalinity everyday. which kit are you using? Two little fishies C- Balance, the lfs carries it
  7. the bro

    2 Part Dosing Cal / Kh kits ?

    I just ventured into the sps world and have started testing calicum for the first times. Before i was using a calicum+ liquid to adjust cal levels for awhile. I looked into the 2 part Calicum A and Kh B kits, and have bought one. When i first dosed i seen that my Cal. and KH were both down...
  8. the bro

    SOVIETTACO's 24g Nano-Cube Diary

    Tank is looking sweet my man, all the way down to the aquascaping to your coral placement. Hats off to ya
  9. the bro

    Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?

    Quote: Originally Posted by spanko thanx Bro. Yes you have to be cognizant of the placement of coral especially with a mixed reef. Leathers are not LPS coral they are soft coral. And it is true that they do release toxins. Again placement and filtration is important in setting coral. If you...
  10. the bro

    Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?

    Dang dude thats a nice tank. I see you got both sps and lps in that tank, how do they get along? I going to be doing the same and dont know alot about it yet. How far away to keep them part from the lps? I hear that lps will release toxin into the water " especially leathers" to kill em, is this...
  11. the bro

    The Bro's first Saltwater Aquarium 29g BioCube

    I just got my new toy in the mail and was taking pics of it and just wanted to drop and add some updates pic to my thread of my my tank is looking like these days. Im planning on getting my first SPS this Friday gonna with wit a Birds Nest or a Plate to start off. I also tried my best to move...
  12. the bro

    Panorama LED systems are they good or bad ?

    I looked into them also i came close to getting some until I spoke with the guys at the lfs. He had 4 on a 30 gallon and said that they look really nice but don't have the power for sps. I guess if you cram enough in there you grow some lower light sps. But for $100 bucks a pop it adds the money...
  13. the bro

    The Bro's first Saltwater Aquarium 29g BioCube

    Originally Posted by Jelly Crab In that last pic, what is the little anemone looking thing in the top right of the rock? The yellow thing with long skiny tentacles (looks kinda like aptaisa, which is why I ask) Yup its an aptaisa its been on that rock since I bought my LR. Its kinda cool...
  14. the bro

    The Bro's first Saltwater Aquarium 29g BioCube

    The ULTIMATE score... maybe? Well i wanted to add some LR to my tank so i bought about 5 pound piece from one of my LFS display tanks. I noticed it had about 3 quarter size blueish green ricordia shrooms on it hiking. When the guy said $25 i jumped on it! I got it home and dropped in to my...
  15. the bro

    so im thinking about upgrading my lighting...

    Wow thanks for all the input guys! Especially king Neptune your feed back is "GREATLY" appreciated! Im def leaning toward LEDS and im glad I now have some good insight on what im getting into. The thing I hate is what my buds at my lfs say ..... yea you can buy LEDS now but LED technology is so...
  16. the bro

    so im thinking about upgrading my lighting...

    Ever since i first got my Biocube 29g i been wanting to upgrade my lighting. well that day is in the near future im just torn on what to go with. So i created this post to get some expert opinion. There are currently 3 different options im considering. Im looking for opinions, Pros, cons on...
  17. the bro


    Originally Posted by meowzer :( No LFS for me.....I order everything online and hope for the best.... How does that work out for ya meowzer? I have always been skeptical about ordering online. They always have some rare stuff that hard to find at alocal shop. Ever had any bad experiecences...
  18. the bro

    How to kill a coral?

    Originally Posted by Jstdv8 you can make a paste out of kalkwasser or Mrs wages pickling lime and put some over the top of them with the powerheads off, let it sit for a bit and then suck it all out with a turkey baster. don't get any on anything you want to keep though So it has to be some...