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  1. elementzx

    Green Chromis Red Line

    i dont think it is, septicemia looks to be more blotchy and mine is a defined stripe. but just in case it is how do i fix it? is it contagious to my other fish?
  2. elementzx

    Green Chromis Red Line

    I've done some research on this and google doesnt seem to be turning anything up for me. A couple days ago i got 5 green chromis, one of which arrived with two vertical red lines on his side, he didnt swim with the others and just sat behind one of my rocks, also it looked like he was breathing...
  3. elementzx

    overstocking question

    the tank has been up for about 2 months now maybe a little more, the chromis are all pretty small compared to the ones at the LFS and they dont pick on eachother at all, they love schooling and trying to gang up on the molly haha. like i said, one of them died earlier so i only have 4 right now.
  4. elementzx

    overstocking question

    im wondering if im overstocked, right now for fish ive got 4 green chromis (had 5 one just died like 10 minutes ago) all of which are 1 inch in size, 1 firefish goby aprox. 3 inches long, one sixline wrasse about 2 inches long, and a black molly (hes picking on my chromis so im thinking about...
  5. elementzx


    Originally Posted by runn3rb3an i got 3 pics or it didnt happen. and ill take a dozen.
  6. elementzx

    SW Molly

    i put a mollie in my SW tank once i first got the salinity correct, just to get it cycling. Only acclimated it for about 2 hours (not drip) and he has been alive for about 2 months now. When i went to buy one the LFS expert said that she had heard that black mollies do the best in saltwater, so...
  7. elementzx

    sixline wrasse cucoon

    yeah it really is a nice fish. I a quick question i had about the cocoon itself, the main reason i came to the forums, well i was just wondering if the cocoon itself was harmful to other fish? this morning when my sixline came out i saw his cucoon on the sand and one of my hermits walked over it...
  8. elementzx

    sixline wrasse cucoon

    i just got a sixline wrasse last night, and when i put him in the tank he wasnt looking so good, so i closely monitored him. (bought online so he was shipped overnight) I saw him go into a hiding spot, this was before i knew about the whole cocoon thing, and he stopped moving and it looked like...