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  1. clownser

    Added first corals!

    Thanks guys! Ya I was debating over the Hammer coral and the octopus coral...the octopus coral looked much better at the LFS so I went with it! :)
  2. clownser

    Added first corals!

    I am actually not sure of the name of any of the Zoas I got!
  3. clownser

    Added first corals!

    Ya I got him off! Thanks for looking out though :)
  4. clownser

    Added first corals!

    Have since added a green octopus coral and a small green star polyp frag.
  5. clownser

    Added first corals!

    Got my lights today. Went with the 70w K-2 viper...and went out and got some zoas!
  6. clownser

    Water Change Question

    I would agree...if it looks good keep doing it. On my 10g I only do 1g a week but I havent added corals yet...Just the fish and inverts.
  7. clownser

    Metal Halide Question!

    So my DIY LED idea is becoming more of a hassle and cost is skyrocketing with the purchase of tools and additional parts. So I am scratching the idea and looking at possibly getting Metal Halides for my 10g tank. I was looking at the Viper 70 w or the 150w or the Sunpod. The 150w may be a bit...
  8. clownser

    My 30g

    Halloween Hermit is cool. Never been a big fan of barnacles but a few make for good little hiding spots! :)
  9. clownser

    Nike's 34g DSA Neo-Nano

    Ya looks fantastic! I am with you nissan...wish my tank looked like that!
  10. clownser

    My 1st 'Nano' Tank: 28G JBJ CF-QUAD Diary

    HAHA hopefully I will have the lights done by the weekend...Hockey Playoffs are interfering with my building time! Tanner thats weird why you cant post a new topic! Dont know for my fish I might get another clown and hope for a pairing!
  11. clownser

    LED wiring help!!! POT HELP!

    Awesome thanks! Ya someone else told me audio is no good...Looks like another trip to radio shack is in order! :)
  12. clownser

    Clownser's 10g diary

    UPDATE: Canopy is done! Added a removable glass splash shield for easy cleaning. Just need to solder all the lights on and I am good to go!
  13. clownser

    LED wiring help!!! POT HELP!

    So I have everything ready to go...I think! I went out and bought my pots from Radio shack...However I do not know how to connect the Pot to the Meanwell Driver...There are 5 prongs on it and dont know what goes where! Can someone help? I posted a picture of the pot. It is a volume control...
  14. clownser

    My 1st 'Nano' Tank: 28G JBJ CF-QUAD Diary

    Haven't decided yet...Some type of goby or blenny...I like the tailspot blenny but dont know...any suggestions?
  15. clownser

    My 1st 'Nano' Tank: 28G JBJ CF-QUAD Diary

    Just the classic nemo! Hes about an inch cleaner shrimp is bigger than her is! HAHA
  16. clownser

    Clownser's 10g diary

    Yep everything is eating and looking great so far!
  17. clownser

    My 1st 'Nano' Tank: 28G JBJ CF-QUAD Diary

    Awesome Tanner! I got myself a clownfish, sexy shrimp and a pompom crab the other day after looking at your clowns! All my lights came and started making the canopy this morning!!! But your tank it looking nice!
  18. clownser


    Ya flatworms are tough! Six line wrasse is the only fish that I know of....
  19. clownser

    Niger12's Biocube 14 Slow Evolution

    LOOKING GREAT! My LED lights just came today so I will have to install them this weekend! Cant wait to get some corals in my tank either! :)
  20. clownser

    Clownser's 10g diary

    Got all my lights and meanwells today!!! Building my light setup will begin tomorrow!!