My 1st 'Nano' Tank: 28G JBJ CF-QUAD Diary

Originally Posted by nissan577
it seems like you had a cycle and everything!
great job i must say. question about your setup. why do you have a double filter floss over the chaeto???? the first one were the water comes in is enough. i would remove the other one
Well I ended up removing the filter floss over the chaeto. I initially placed the filter floss above the chaeto so it would keep the chaeto in the chamber and not dump over into the pump chamber. I stays in place better than I thought it would, so I took it out.
Yeah so I am fully cycled and ready to add my first critters
Hey Guys and Gals
I'm back!
Ok so a lot has changed with my 28G nano. I have added my black and white ocellaris clowns, my hermits, my two astria snails, emerald crab and finaly my first corals.
Everything is going great so far!
Water parameters are perfect and all of my critters are happy (so it seems :)
I have added an ECOTECH MARINE MP 10 propellar pump (it's doing fantastic!)
However, I have not yet added my LED conversion from, I will be receiving my new lighting next week.
My corals added are:
Colt Coral - I know, I know, it will get huge but I plan on fragging it eventually moving to my 160G.
Zoanthids - They are beautiful!
Two Candy Cane Corals LPS - One stalk has green center, the other is pale blue.
Two mushrooms - One blue/purple and one orange
I just wanted to start of with easy corals. It will be a while before I add an anemone and clam.
I have posted pics of my evolving tank below
check'em out and let me know what you think...



Active Member
Originally Posted by tannersmith200
I wanna get some orange and blue Zoos in the future.
Well, then I recommend bam bams and tubbs blues. They give off great color. Your tank is looking very nice, I'm liking the new stuff!
Originally Posted by luvmyreef
Well, then I recommend bam bams and tubbs blues. They give off great color. Your tank is looking very nice, I'm liking the new stuff!

Thanks for the complement!
I will check those zoos out. What are the ones in your profile pic? They are sweet!


Tanner I am going with a DIY 18 light DIY LED system. Just waiting for all the parts to be shipped so I can start building it!
Originally Posted by Clownser
Tanner I am going with a DIY 18 light DIY LED system. Just waiting for all the parts to be shipped so I can start building it!
That's awesome bro! I ordered the 5.6 LED Reto Kit from
It will be here sometime next week. It's gonna be sweet.

Whenever you get your DIY LED lighting up and running, take some pics and let me know how it goes for you!
Just wanted to add a couple pics of my clowns.
They are small, about 1.25-1.5 inches.
I am hoping that they will become a pair. Does anyone know or have any experience with when or at what age clowns become a pair?



Great looking fish!! I plan on getting a clown in a couple of weeks! Cant decide on color though...I really love the black ones but the classic clowns are awesome too!
Originally Posted by Clownser
Great looking fish!! I plan on getting a clown in a couple of weeks! Cant decide on color though...I really love the black ones but the classic clowns are awesome too!
Yeah I agree! I have both black and orange clowns. I love my orange clowns but the black and white ocellaris clowns are not as popular as the the ones with orange colors. I like the change.
Hey guys
So I am rolling the dice...
I just had to buy a bicolor angel and I have him in my nano tank now. He's been in my QT for 3 weeks and now it's time unveil him in my nano display. I know I know that they may or may not be reef safe but he hasnt picked at any corals as of yet. Luckly I have some algae growing on the back of my tank and he is occupied grazing in that area along with mysis in the evening.
He's a beaut! He's roughly 3 inches long. He's got many hiding places and appears to be happy go lucky! :)
Check him out!
He's grazing on algae on my back wall.

He's chillin' with the clowns (not aggressive at all towards my inhabitants)

Here's an updated viw of the front of my tank. I added a green star polyp colony on the shelf.


Awesome Tanner! I got myself a clownfish, sexy shrimp and a pompom crab the other day after looking at your clowns! All my lights came and started making the canopy this morning!!! But your tank it looking nice!
Originally Posted by Clownser
Awesome Tanner! I got myself a clownfish, sexy shrimp and a pompom crab the other day after looking at your clowns! All my lights came and started making the canopy this morning!!! But your tank it looking nice!
Thanks bro!
What kind of clown did you get?