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  1. rastaangel

    MH 14k/20k With Highest PAR Outputs?

    Up until now I have run 10k bulbs in my fixtures... it has resulted in amazing growth but the colors arnt as nice as before and its time to buy new bulbs. I will be going with either a 14k or 20k bulb for some nice colors but I want high as possible par for good growth... Which would be the best...
  2. rastaangel

    Best Light Spectrum For Coral Growth? 65k, 10k, 14k?

    what about gowing them under 65k then putting them back under 14k MH to "color up"?
  3. rastaangel

    Best Light Spectrum For Coral Growth? 65k, 10k, 14k?

    Today I did some reartanging in my tank and accidently knocked a rock over and broke off a few peices of some of my SPS corals. I have since crazy glued them to small rocks and put them in my sump. I currently only have a 65k CFL on my turf scrubber in my sump and thats it for lighting... I have...
  4. rastaangel

    MH vs T5HO, Power Usage and Benfits?

    lol thats enough to convince me to lose it when i upgrade
  5. rastaangel

    MH vs T5HO, Power Usage and Benfits?

    I am already running sump which is covered with a scrubber so there is already alot of evap from that... another point that was brought up... i am constaly battling salt creep... will that stop if i go topless?
  6. rastaangel

    MH vs T5HO, Power Usage and Benfits?

    ok so what if i kept the glass constantly clean? or is it still gonna interfere with the performance of the lighting, which ever i choice to use.
  7. rastaangel

    MH vs T5HO, Power Usage and Benfits?

    I need to keep it covered as I have a huge issue with humidity in my apartment... and having no top on my tank with all tht water movement will release alot of unneeded moisture into the air
  8. rastaangel

    MH vs T5HO, Power Usage and Benfits?

    is 12" really how much space is required? Even with a covered glass top? I would prob only use 2 of them
  9. rastaangel

    MH vs T5HO, Power Usage and Benfits?

    its 24" deep. The 10k bulbs come with it but i would prob buy 14k when i went threw all 10 10k bulbs How much heat to MH give off? Would I need to space them above my tank?
  10. rastaangel

    MH vs T5HO, Power Usage and Benfits?

    90g. yes the halide is a 3 x 250watt
  11. rastaangel

    MH vs T5HO, Power Usage and Benfits?

    I just sold my paintball gun(FINALLY) and have a bunch of money to upgrading my lighting... So the time has come to choose between a brand new 8x54 T5HO or a used "need to modify to fit my application" 3x250 MH hood w/6 10k bulbs. They are about the same price by the time I finish buying bulbs...
  12. rastaangel

    What Will Hammer Corals Sweepers Kill Off?

    oh I thought they were 6"... atleast thats what I was told
  13. rastaangel

    What Will Hammer Corals Sweepers Kill Off?

    Today I picked a few more hammer corals to complete my color collection but i am also running outta room bewteen others... SO what will there sting kill? All the others are hammers, frogspawn, zoos, xenia, kenya trees and ricorias
  14. rastaangel

    Volitans With Cloudy Eyes... Best Treatment?

    i learned my lesson from it...
  15. rastaangel

    Volitans With Cloudy Eyes... Best Treatment?

    ya they had velvet... it came out in force before i could do anythoing about it... so the eyes were the least of the problem
  16. rastaangel

    Best, Most Sure Fire Way Of Removing Velvet From System?

    So after a out break of ick lead to velvet and eye infections which killed off all my beautiful lionfish I have a empty reef tank and I am afraid of this happening again... What is the best and most sure fire way of getting all the parasites out of my system for good? DO I have to leave it...
  17. rastaangel

    One Simple Question. LR Affected By Hypo?

    I only intend to use the LR until my homemade biofilter is up and running then it will be dryed out then put back into my sump. And the way I see it, if I put a fish in a QT it could be in there for 3 weeks before it shows anything at the point I might have put it into my DT... why not hypo it...
  18. rastaangel

    One Simple Question. LR Affected By Hypo?

    So after going threw 2 huge parasite outbreaks and losing BOTH of my huge lionfish... All cuz I dont run a QT... I learned my leason... 1. Always have a QT running... 2. Dont assume someone else can maintain a stable emergency QT... So I have a simple question... Can a few peice of live rock...
  19. rastaangel

    Volitans With Cloudy Eyes... Best Treatment?

    im gonna try injecting kanaplex into there food while im gone. if it doesnt work when im done in a week ill set up a QT snd dose with maracyn 2