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  1. rastaangel

    Heniochus Butterflies Reef Safe?

    I hve been doin some reasearch on Heniochus Butterflies since my LFS got 3 pairs in and I have found mixed things... some saying reef safe others not... can anyone speak from experience and help me? I have some LPS and lotsa softies in my tank
  2. rastaangel

    Will A Koran Angel Eat My Corals?

    wouldnt they bee less likely to eat a stinging coral like my hammers?
  3. rastaangel

    Will A Koran Angel Eat My Corals?

    Just wondering if it would snack on my hammer coral, zoos, xenia or kenya trees?
  4. rastaangel

    Would A Snowflake Eat My CUC?

    I forgot I have hermits... theres about 20 of them and they are small... I also have a horseshoe crab... SO would it be able to go after a large turbo even if he was hungry and in a bad mood? Cuz if not i will trade all my snails and hermits in for afew more turbos... I have no shrimp or my...
  5. rastaangel

    Would A Snowflake Eat My CUC?

    I am lookin for something to fill the vacant unactive bottom level with some fish life and today I found a nice say 8" long snowflake. I was gonna get a fu man chu but he was sold before I could get him. I was wondering if he would eat all my CUC? I currently have 2 big turbos, 10ish trochus...
  6. rastaangel

    Fu Man Chu In With My Radiatas?

    So im in school for the next 6 weeks. I went around today after school to all the palces that sell marine here and wow did I ever fall in love! I found a 3" Fu Man Chu that is so awesome. I instantly fell in love, and as a plus he already eats frozen foods! So my question is would I be able to...
  7. rastaangel

    Buying New Lighting. Some questions, Need Advice...

    I would have to tear it down and remove one of the halides and make my T5's fit or use the T12 The T5 fixture would be a TEK Elite 8x54w T5 HO What would be my better choice? Also how much more power to halides take over T5? Would just the 2 250w halides be good enough?
  8. rastaangel

    Buying New Lighting. Some questions, Need Advice...

    No one? not a single person can give me advice?
  9. rastaangel

    Buying New Lighting. Some questions, Need Advice...

    So the time has come for me to upgrade my lighting fixtures to suit my future plans of having a full blown reef tank. I currently only have 2 T5 HOs. My supplier just upgraded his lighting from MH to LED so he has a 6' 3x250w MH w/ to VHO T12 with ballasts and every that he would sell me for...
  10. rastaangel

    Will These Conditions Kill Nitrifiying Bacteria?

    I am getting ready to set my tank up again but I was wodnering if all the bacteria in my rocks and sand would be dead by now? They havnt had any light or heat for the past 6 weeks... They have just been in a tote hanging out... Will they be ok or should I do another cycle before I add fish?
  11. rastaangel

    Long Term Affects From High Ammonia In Hospital Tank?

    Yes I have been using tap water, treated with prime to neutralize cholrine and what not. I have been adding ph buffers to the new water to make sure its the same ph. Today I got a lower NH3 reading so I think that there might be some good bacteria growing in the filter media but i am still...
  12. rastaangel

    Long Term Affects From High Ammonia In Hospital Tank?

    Ok so right now all the fish that lived threw my tank breaking got ick and are currently in a 1.010SG hospital tank. There are a pair of black clowns and 3 small damels. The tank is something like 10g They have been in there for about 5 days and so far so go except for daily high ammonia levels...
  13. rastaangel

    Ich Outbreak, Have Some Questions

    what is the best medication on the market for treating the ick in my hspital tank and to treat my rock/sand?
  14. rastaangel

    Ich Outbreak, Have Some Questions

    Will raising the salinity in my fishless tote speed up there life cycle and cut down on the recovery time? Cuz most of my rock and sand is in there. Nothing is in there but rock and sand All my fish are in a hypo hospital tank. Would it be a bad idea to add established bio median in the filter...
  15. rastaangel

    Ich Outbreak, Have Some Questions

    is there any way to accelerate the life cycle of these parasites? like raising the temp or anything or do i just have to let it take its course?
  16. rastaangel

    Ich Outbreak, Have Some Questions

    so how would I treat the starfish then? Put him in the fishless container to?
  17. rastaangel

    Ich Outbreak, Have Some Questions

    So I have a outbreak of ick in my small temp tank... Long story short my large dispay tank bottom broke and I had to set up a emergency tank and all my fish are stressed out. So I have some questions. From what I have been reading the 2 best treaments are copper and hyposalinity. I have no...
  18. rastaangel

    Best Vitamin Supplements To Add To Food?

    would it be a bad thing if selcon and kent garlic were in there everyday food?
  19. rastaangel

    Best Vitamin Supplements To Add To Food?

    I have decided to make my own fish food for my volitan and panther grouper. I already know what I am gonna put in it I was just wondering what the best vitamin supplements were to add? I was told Selcon and Kent Garlic Xtreme are good ones to add? Any others I should add or is it even worth it...
  20. rastaangel

    Large Brown Algea Outbreak, Best Solution To Fix And Prevent Future outbreaks?

    180g ammonia/nitrite 0 nitrate 10 tank as been running for almost 6 weeks with a month long cycle damsels were in for whole cycle clowns and brittle were added last night all I have for clean up is the brittle, I had planned on having the refuguim up and running sooner to prevent a bloom...