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  1. jordan01gts

    Canister Filter blowing bubbles

    I just cleaned the cannister and changed the o-rings on the hose manifold, it appears to have fixed the problem, 10 minutes with no bubbles yet
  2. jordan01gts

    Canister Filter blowing bubbles

    I have the same problem, have had the marineland 360 for less than a year and now it keeps blowing bubbles every 10 - 20 seconds.
  3. jordan01gts

    cycling tank

    I used NovAqua+ plus, I just checked the water this morning and here what I have, ph. 7.8, ammonia 8.0, nitrite .25 nitrate 0, does this sound about how it should be going?
  4. jordan01gts

    cycling tank

    I just checked it again and made sure i timed all the tests, ph 7.8, ammonia 8.0, nitrite i would say is zero, it is blue but slighty has a tint of purple, and nitrate is about 5.0 Im using a marineland c-360 cannister good to 100gl, a aqua clear 30 powerhead, and a koralia 1050gph, is this...
  5. jordan01gts

    cycling tank

    I tested the water last night, ph 7.8, ammonia 8.0. nitrite 0, nitrate 5.0. what does this mean
  6. jordan01gts

    cycling tank

    ill check it when i get home from work
  7. jordan01gts

    cycling tank

    ok so as the ammonia lowers what should i expect to see happen with nitrate and nitrite?
  8. jordan01gts

    cycling tank

    I have had my tank running for about 23 days checking my parameters every couple days, I tested it last night with a huge spike , ph 8.0 ammonia 8.0 mitrite 1.0 nitrate 10. what should i do?
  9. jordan01gts

    just converted my 75 to saltwater

    Just tested my water and here what i have, ph 8.0 ammonia 8.0 mitrite 1.0 nitrate 10.
  10. jordan01gts

    just converted my 75 to saltwater

    I added salt while adding the water, I was planing on ordering another power head, I'll probably pick up one of those. Will I have problems if I get some live rock now and then add to it later?
  11. jordan01gts

    just converted my 75 to saltwater

    The water cleared up in about 3 days, just took some water tests, ph 8.0, ammonia .25, nitrite .50, nitrate 20. Im sure these are normal readings for the start up if a saltwater tank, right? Right new I'm running a marineland 360 cannister, aqua clear 30 powrrhead. I haven't decided on live...
  12. jordan01gts

    just converted my 75 to saltwater

    Well last night I only added 30 cups of salt, I didnt want to add to much, I checked it this morning with a hydrometer and at 76.7 degrees it read inside the parameters suggested, ill have to go buy a refractometer to correctly check it. Also what is a good temp setting to be setting my tank to...
  13. jordan01gts

    just converted my 75 to saltwater

    The sand I bought said do not rinse. Should I have rinsed it anyways? The other question I had or not really a question was that the instant ocean says half a cup of salt to 1 gallon if water, so it takes 37.5 cups for my tank, just seems like alot, I'm new to this so it just surprised me how...
  14. jordan01gts

    just converted my 75 to saltwater

    Yesterday I drained and cleaned my freshwater tank, and converted to saltwater. I used about 70 lbs of live argonite sand, I filled the tank added conditioner, and then added instant ocean salt mix. I know that it will take some time for it to cycle, is it normal to have cloudy water, and if so...