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  1. susan

    OFF TOPIC: Baby almost due!

    Congrats! Nothing will satisfy you more than watching your child grow... We tried 6 long years with the help of infertility Dr's for our little girl. She's a miracle baby. Our prayers are with you and we wish you all the luck and happyness for many years to come! Susan
  2. susan

    Please help me...

    Oh, I called to calarify the PC light deal. I don't understand it, but here goes... It's a 4ft long PC hood holding two 65 watt bulbs. That's 130 watts total. his is where I'm getting confused. You x this 130 watts by 3.6 and that gives you a total of 468 watts. I'm told that's plenty of...
  3. susan

    Please help me...

    Thanks guys- Long time no hear Steve, sorry about that. Been pretty busy... Glad you found a neighbor! Bluto- (is that right?) You'll have to post your e-mail address. There's 4 of us in NH now. The other two of us are in Rochester. Cool!
  4. susan

    How could I build my own Skimmer?

    Hey, check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a> This site has DIY projects on your skimmer,sumps, tank hoods, stands, etc... incl supply lists, diagrams, and whatnot. Hope this helps!
  5. susan


    Hey Gator, I was there a few days ago and they just got in an AWSOME shipment of corals, anemonies and star fish- some are pretty big! I like the flourescent yellow and pink ones... I talked to Rick (young guy) he seems pretty knowlegable.
  6. susan


    T-shirt... Instant Ocean comes with a pump to mix the salt up but heck, with all the $ we spend on this hobby I guess we could all use some free shirts huh ;)
  7. susan

    Germinating SD Question

    I'm just starting up a future 55gal reef tank with 110 lbs SD and 10 lbs LS. While I'm waiting to upgrade my ligts to PCs before I buy my LR, (which will take 2-3 months before I can get either) should I get a small cleaner crew to help the LS grminate the SD? or should I just wait and put the...
  8. susan

    How about this?

    Can someone enlighten me please?
  9. susan

    Suppliment questions

    I was told by the LFS that Tropic Marin salt's best to use if you have LR/corals. I was going to get Instant Ocean. Which would you recommend for reef tanks? Also on (Tropic Marin Bio Calcium) Does this have all the calcium/Iodine you need for your LR, corals, etc? It said 1 scoop per gal a...
  10. susan

    algae removers

    I'm just getting set up for a future reef tank and want to get my arsenal of supplies for potential problems 1st. Since algea is a common problem, what are the best additives to use that wont hurt the reef and it's critters? I heard the magnetic scrapers work wonders. Is this true and if they...
  11. susan

    How about this?

    I'm just starting up a future 55gal reef tank with 110 lbs SD and 10 lbs LS. While I'm waiting to upgrade my ligts to PCs before I buy my LR, (which will take 2-3 months before I can get either) should I get a small cleaner crew to help the LS grminate the SD? or should I just wait and put the...
  12. susan

    LR Q with set up

    Gator- Thank you and your welcome. One good turn deserves another...
  13. susan

    Please help with one more question

    But can I use it in or out of a sump? I want it out initially, but want it to be able to be used in if I go with a sump in the future. Also, will that big a skimmer be overkill for my 55gal? I won't be upgrading to the 100 gal for at least 9mos. (I'm shooting for Christmas- that's a hint...
  14. susan

    LR Q with set up

    When I order my 60+ lbs of LR for my 55gal, can I get premium cured LR and have it be OK if I put it in while my tank is cycling? Will everything die on those rocks? If so, why get premium and not base? If I get premium and stuff dies, will it ever grow back? Will putting either cured or...
  15. susan

    Set up Q

    Please tell me if this is right and help answer a q. Just a last minute check.. When I set up my tank, I'm going to put 100lbs rinsed Southdown sand in first, fill up with reg tap water, mix in salt and additives, then let heat up and run with filter going for a few days, then put 20 lbs of LS...
  16. susan

    Please help me...

    I didn't think to ask what Kelvin rating these bulbs had. The LFS guy just said 30 watts wont support my LR and crushed my little world. So I'm saved? getting 2 15 watt bulbs with 20,000K will be enough to keep my LR alive until I can upgrade to PCs a few mos from now? I thought 10,000K was...
  17. susan

    Please help with one more question

    SKIMMER: I was going to get my skimmer after my tank cycles because I thought you shouldn't use it while the tank's doing this. However, I just read that if you have LR you should skim like crazy while cycling. You do? Why? I wanted to wait to get my skimmer because I was still debating on...
  18. susan

    Please help me...

    I think I made a monumentally bad mistake. I'm getting ready to set up my tank and found out that I may have to wait. Here's my problem... Lights: I have 2 18in hoods that hold one reg fl bulb each. I thought I could get 50/50s to keep at least keep 60 lbs of LR alive in a 55gal tank...
  19. susan

    Where can I find maxi jet power heads

    Thank you! Another q though... I found a LFS that carries them, but they're not #ed like I'm used to IE: 550 / 1200 Instead, these are just ordered for the flow rate I want. So... Should PH move water 4x the rate of your tank size per hour or the actual amount of water that's in your tank...
  20. susan

    Additive question...

    I had originally been thinking about getting AmQuel, but I didn't see on the bottle that it removes copper. That's why I was asking about the conditioner since it does. What do you do for copper if you use AmQuel (or does it remove it and just not say so?) Thanks for your input!