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  1. bentley21

    Must have App to help with tracking parameters

    Hey I built this app to help me with water changes and keeping track of water parameters plus you can take pictures of your coral and fish in a gallery and track how many days you have had them. Support a member and download it on the apple store the app is called coral tank pro Thanks everyone...
  2. bentley21

    What Is This?

    what is this? its white skinny and growing like a weed. i dont know if its good for my tank or not. someone please id it and tell me what to do?
  3. bentley21


    its white skinny and tiny. its growing like a weed. i dont know if its good for the take or bad. somepne please tell me what it is and what to do?
  4. bentley21

    HELP!! cloudy eye

    I just put a clown fish in my new tank. it looked healthy when i got it but now one of its eyes is cloudy. when i tested the levels they were not to high but not perfect. I dont know what the cause is. i hope to learn how to fix it for good. help please
  5. bentley21

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    my tank has only been running for a week now, im excited. its so hard to wait, i just want to go buy fish and stick them in tonight, but ill just keep waiting till the water gets done cycling