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  1. o-mickey

    I have a question on my protien skimmer

    Hey mister VETTE i have the same skimmer hook the lower port to an power head and place it in tank the middle way down in your water and then the upper port is an waste gate to where ever you want it to drain into and of course the top lid put an pump and line with regulator and start skimming...
  2. o-mickey

    Southdown sand in Milwaukee, WI

    Check with your local Home Depot I just purchased 400lbs 8 bags for 2.45 an 50lb bag.......
  3. o-mickey


    After i get all of the sand in about 200lbs 3in. thick should i have to buy live sand and if so how much???????
  4. o-mickey


    It is a 125g 6 year old tank with 5 fish no lr just getting q.t. up nd cycled should i have toput fish i q.t. tank or can i slowy take under gravel filters out and the cc and replace it with the southdown sand???????
  5. o-mickey

    what is CC?

    crushed coral
  6. o-mickey


    How should i wash my home depot sand and should i have to ...... removing cc and replacing with sand
  7. o-mickey

    Redoing my tank

    I have some questions some have been answerd and others i'm confused with, taking undergravel plates out in 125g tank have skimmer and 4 power heads and 2 whispers filters i guess my whispers i wont need i have cc for a base,that has to come out no live rock but would like to put some in, 4 fish...
  8. o-mickey

    undergravel filters

    What is the diff. in sand bases?? Some tell you live and others say dead sand what would i really need?????
  9. o-mickey

    undergravel filters

    Thanks Salty!!!! i have whispers hooked 2 plates once i do away with plates should i look for something diff. 4 filters ?????? i do have a sqimmer & should i be looking into a u.v. setup if i put lr in. what size and what makes r your suggs.for a 125g?????
  10. o-mickey

    undergravel filters

    Should i remove the plates and how should i do this and should i keep my cc for an base or change to sand???
  11. o-mickey

    undergravel filters

    Thinking of placing lr in my 125g tank are these type of filters accep. or do i have to remove them,and what should i go to ??? I now have whispers hooked to the plates.