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  1. digglah

    FUBAR of the day

    Finished a 20% water change .... used the LFS's pre-mixed saltwater... didn't check the salinity of their mixture because i ASSumed they had it mixed properly.... next day... all of my invertebrates have met their maker, however the fish are surviving... I don't even want to talk about the...
  2. digglah

    Welcome a new saltwater baby

    Originally posted by goldrush Congrats. Now THAT"S a frag!! LOL!:D
  3. digglah

    unidentified creepy crawlie

    Did it look similar to a caterpillar? Let's see the pics.
  4. digglah

    reef tank cycle???

    How much live sand is in the tank? My experience has been that the more livesand and LR .. the faster your tank cycles.
  5. digglah

    Colt Help

    I have a HUGE colt in my tank.. and ... the more light it receives.. the more it thrives... it also really seems to like medium to high water current, just as long as it isn't soooo much current that her branches can't all extend in their respective directions.
  6. digglah

    Experienced with HOT Environments?

    Thanks for the fan through the open canopy idea.. I think I might try setting up a fan behind the tank aimed at the sump... that might be a cool solution as well. cheers
  7. digglah


    Originally posted by Predator: <strong>Aquarium corals. Housing, husbandry and history. I'm not sure of the auther but I will tell you it's as great book.</strong><hr></blockquote> Eric H. Borneman is the author.. it is a good one indeed.
  8. digglah

    Experienced with HOT Environments?

    I have an 80 gallon reef tank with a large quantity of soft corals. Generally during the summertime here, outdoor temperatures reach into the 100 degree range and often for consecutive days. The tank is located right next to my "wall unit" A/C ... so that will aid in keeping my tank cool...