Search results

  1. terry

    Question for you experts on Bio-Balls

    I agree with shark. DON'T REMOVE ALL THE BIO BALLS AT WONCE. Take two or three out a day slowly because most of the bacteria in the tank are on the bio balls right now. Removing all the bio balls at wonce will some crash a tank. I removed all the bio balls from my wet dry along time ago and I...
  2. terry

    coraline algae

    Thanks to all of you. I will place what you said in our reef newspepper out here in Pa. Thanks again Terry
  3. terry

    coraline algae

    Hi. I haven't been on in some time and thought I would get your in put on coraline algae. Coral Vital made by (Marc Weliss Product) clames to enhances growth of coraline algae. One thing I do know is this. That product did enhances the growth of green and red slime algae in my reef tank some...
  4. terry

    coral problems...please help!!

    I agree with Steve and Irena Pisces. The salinity is your problem. However another reason your corals may be dying is because of the young age of your tank. Most corals should only be introduced in a olded tank. Well good lk anyway. Tyrone
  5. terry

    Sick Tang

    Tangs are funny fish. The clown that I have had for some years now gets one of those, spots also every now and then but within a week or two it just goes away. I would not worrie, about it too much. Terry
  6. terry

    nitrate removal filters

    here are some good sites. I hope the above adds work?
  7. terry

    skimmer is it goodone or badone

    Hi Mike. I think so. I have been using a berlin skimmer for some years now and I think they work great. Terry
  8. terry

    skimmer is it goodone or badone

    I think so. I have been using a berlin skimmer for some years now and they do a breat job. Terry
  9. terry

    Nitrate filters

    Sounds good to me. Terry
  10. terry

    how old are some of you????

    Big 50
  11. terry


    Hi salt one. That sounds good to start out with however a 75 gallon tank is a deep tank. As you get into the more harder to keep corals like (Elegance coral) etc. you will need more watts. I have a 75 gallon tank also but I use 4 111.00 watts vho bulbs for the clams and more harder to keep...
  12. terry

    Bristtle Worms

    lest try that web site again
  13. terry

    Bristtle Worms

    Some of these worms are potentially quite toxic, and as such, if you discover a polychaete in your tank that looks like a "wooly-bear" caterpillar don't touch it with your bare hands! I say this because, although there are really only a very few species with which you must be careful, if you...
  14. terry

    Nitrate filters

    Hi salty. As I said, before you can get a good nitrate filter alot less then $480.00 on the interner. Terry
  15. terry

    Nitrate filters

    Hi Beth and Kris. Yes a nitrate filter will bring already high levels of nitrate down. Before I had a nitrate filter my reading were as high as 40ppm. I could NOT keep my nitrate reading below 20ppm. When I installed the filter my reading were around 40ppm to 30ppm. As you know if nitrate...
  16. terry

    Nitrate filters

    Ok here goes. Someone here asked a question about nitrate filters and how good do they work? I replied at that time, that I was going to get one and would get back to them and let them know just how good they are. Well the one that I have is made by (Ultralife Reef Products). After a 3 month...
  17. terry

    protein skimmers?

    A protein skimmer removes organic wastes from your aquarium. The Berlin Skimmer operates with a tangential water inlet to three chambered columns to ensure high contact time. Another superior function is the patented internal vacuum bell that pulls ozone (works excellent with or without ozone)...
  18. terry

    how much kalkwasser?

    Hi Drewster. Get yourself a clean 5 gallon container with top. Put your filtered tap water into the 5 gallon container. Add 2 teaspoons maximum per gallon of fresh water and stirr slowly. let sit for a few hours. It is normal for a crust to develop on top and a white precipitate may form on...
  19. terry

    Nitrate Removal System

    Hi there. I use a Nitrate removal system in my tank and it works great. The piece of this peace of equipment was fairly expensive. Around 500.00 It does use deniballs denitrification media which eats away the nitrates. It is a good alternative than very frequent water changes. Terry