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  1. thepomonacow

    adding live sand

    I want to make my sand bed deeper, My tank has been set up for over 6 months now. By adding live sand, do I run the risk of starting a minicycle or recycle.
  2. thepomonacow

    info please makes sence....I have been reading more about it today and last night. Ill let ya know how things go.
  3. thepomonacow

    info please

    FshHub: I read around some more. I just find it amazing that it is possible...I think I will try it with the new tank I am getting in July. I am sure I will be posting questions when that time comes. Thanks.
  4. thepomonacow

    Tang Recommendation

    I have heard the the blue hippos are difficult but I have never had one before. I have had great success with yellow tangs. If you are just choosing between theose two....I would take the naso long as your tank is big enough
  5. thepomonacow

    info please

    I recently recieved a reply to a message in the beginner forum. SOne of the sharks said, "i would not use an airpump in ANY saltwater aquarium, NOR a filter" This baffles me. I dont know of any tank that can go without filtration. I think I am mis-understanding what he/she said. All of you use...
  6. thepomonacow

    price range.

    You said "i would not use an airpump in ANY saltwater aquarium, NOR a filter" I can understand not using an air pump in some aquariums but why no filtration. You have to have some kind of mechanical filtration. Maybe I am just confused by what you said.
  7. thepomonacow

    price range.

    I have written a program to estimate the cost of a saltwater aquarium. It is at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> It will give you an accurate price as well as a cost brake-down.
  8. thepomonacow

    Aggressive crabs?

    Everything that is living contributes positivly or negitivly to your bioload. The waty I look at it is this: If it poops, it increases your bioload. If it doesnt :( rocks, sand) it helps lower the bioload
  9. thepomonacow

    Cheap lighting

    I will look in to it. I am going back today so I will check if they have something for VHO.
  10. thepomonacow

    Cheap lighting

    I currently use a 50/50 bulb on my tank...I will be upgrading soon to a 10000k and a 50/50. Well. The ballast for 2 bulbs costs like $50. So I wen to my local Home Depot and found one for $19.50. It is amazing how much the fish store marks up stuff. Next time yougo to the fish store for...
  11. thepomonacow

    Turbo Snails

    Your right...snails will not get rid of ammonia. A good DSB and live rock will though. I have an article that will help. it is at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> I lost a lot of fish not being...
  12. thepomonacow

    what type of salt does everyone use

    I use red sea salt. I have been happy with it so far. Only used it for 3 months.
  13. thepomonacow

    My new friend

    It is about 9" Right now. I will cut back on his feeding. I was feeding him every day.
  14. thepomonacow

    Wierd bugs....

    I think he was saying be happy because it is normal to have bugs in live rock.
  15. thepomonacow

    Should I be Concerned ?

    It seems a little suspicious to me that your fish would die with those water parameters. Maybe he was bullied aroundtoo much. They are VERY hardy fish.
  16. thepomonacow

    My new friend

    I am really excited because I got a new friend (fishy). Here is a link to see him. <a href=""> Snowflake Eel</a> Any recomendations of what to feed him would be appreciated. Currently he is eating frozen squid.
  17. thepomonacow

    Maybe OT...What made you choose to go with Saltwater???

    The fish ...they are more pleasing to the eye than freshwater. (in my opinion)
  18. thepomonacow

    percula clowns

    yeah, Clowns do weird things you'll find that they have many funny swimming patterns.
  19. thepomonacow


    I have several very small, fast moving, worm-like critters on the glass of ym tank. Does anyone know what they are? I also noticed I have several small , white spiral shaped things on my rock and glass. Is this ok? IF anyone has information about these thing I would appreciate it. My tank specs...
  20. thepomonacow

    Live Rock???????

    I aswell dont have very much money...I also have a 30 gallon tank. What I did was about 3 months ago I bought about 7 lbs of live rock. and about 5 lbs of lavarock. The live rock was $4 bucks a pound @ my LFS. Dead rock will become live rock over time. I have some coralline algae growing on my...