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  1. thepomonacow

    dying fish!

    Did you use Tap water to fill it up or did you buy water? When I set up my girlfriends tank we used store bought water and we had to lower the PH considerably. Check you PH. Also if you used tap water. did you buy a conditioner for it to remove hard metals and othe junk? Let us know.
  2. thepomonacow

    sick semicircle angelfish. Please help

    I got the fish about a week ago. He/She has wounds from a yellow tang that is also in the tank. I am treating in the main tank. I also want to add that now he has a large red spot on his side fin.
  3. thepomonacow

    sick semicircle angelfish. Please help

    I semicircle angel got an infection about a week ago when i first put him in the tank. I have been treating it with MelaFix since then. Yesterday his eyeball blew up like a baloon and his fins are deteriating. But the wounds are getting better. What should I do?
  4. thepomonacow

    died fish

    It could have been a number of things. What are your tank parameters? What other fish are in the tank? Did your clownfish have any markings on it? like a white film or spots. Were the fins decaying? Post more info and I can help ya better. I had 2 clownfish die because my yellow tang kept...
  5. thepomonacow

    New semicircle angelfish problems

    I have been treating with MelaFix and he seems to be improving.
  6. thepomonacow

    New semicircle angelfish problems

    nevermind the picture...I cant get it to upload.Sorry :(
  7. thepomonacow

    New semicircle angelfish problems

    The photo is @ <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  8. thepomonacow

    New semicircle angelfish problems

    The white stuff is like a film. It does not look like salt sprinkles. I uploaded a photo. Please look at it. The only other fish in the tank is a small yellow tang. as for aclimation...I floated him for about 30 min. (temp difference was only about a degree) The lights were off all day and...
  9. thepomonacow

    New semicircle angelfish problems

    I bought a semicircle angel yesterday about 11am. I brought it home...turned the lights off...covered and covered the tank. This morning I woke up and when I turned the light on he had white stuff all over him. He shakes a lot. My water parameters are good. NO2 = 0, NO3=0, NH4=0, PH=8.2...
  10. thepomonacow

    New semicircle angelfish problems

    I bought a semicircle angel yesterday about 11am. I brought it home...turned the lights off...covered and covered the tank. This morning I woke up and when I turned the light on he had white stuff all over him. He shakes a lot. My water parameters are good. NO2 = 0, NO3=0, NH4=0, PH=8.2...
  11. thepomonacow

    Fish happiness

    My fish sometimes likes to watch baywatch. It reminds him of the days in the ocean.
  12. thepomonacow

    Fish happiness

    What about flipper? This movie promotes a long happy life. lol
  13. thepomonacow

    Fish happiness

    My fish like to watch Shrek with me. i get popcorn...they get live brine shrimp. YUMMY.
  14. thepomonacow

    Fish happiness

    Does anyone know if talking to your fish helps them have a better/longer life? Or what about if you read them bed time stories at night?
  15. thepomonacow


    What is your water chemistry like. (NO3, NO2 Etc.) If you are still in the cycling period it will be a stressful time for any fish. also...if your tank is uncycled dont turn on your skimmer. The skimmer will remove bacteria which you need inorder to cycle your tank. Post a little more information.
  16. thepomonacow

    Brain Coral???

    I was looking at my live rock today and found something interesting. it looks like a plaster on the rock about 2 square inches and 1/4 inch high. It has the texture of brain coral. However I do know that I never bought any...infact I dont have any coral. Can this just grow over time. Maybe it is...
  17. thepomonacow


    I bought mine at petsmart. It was a 29 gallon tank with a top and light included for 60 bucks. That was the cheapest I found when I was shopping.
  18. thepomonacow

    Hairy Growth!!

    i dont have a wife...but my girlfriend gives me crap because I look at it so much. She says I am like a 1st grader. lol.
  19. thepomonacow

    Hairy Growth!!

    I had this problem with brown algae or diatoms. I bought 4 Turbo Snail for a 29 gal tank. They will take care of diatoms. If you have green algae then I dont know what to use. Turning off the light is not the most effective way to get rid of them. A lack of light will kill the algae and it will...
  20. thepomonacow

    Well water

    Hi, You should test for as many things as possible. The 4 that are "required" so to speak are PH, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite. You can also test for calcuim, strontium, alkalinity, phosphates, and silicates. Most fish stores will test your water (***** does for free). They should have all...