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  1. kalisad


    Hi everyone. I have a question about lighting. I currently have a 55 gallon eeclipse saltwater aquarium and I also have a 10 gallon hospital tank. I was interested in adding another tank (reef only) to my home office. I looked at a 25 gallon eclipse. Okay, the lighting is the issue. I was...
  2. kalisad

    My tank is leaking!!! aggghhhhh!!

    sorry to hear about your near catastrophe smellsfishy. I have a similiar story to share. My darling husband (who has difficulty leaving things alone) was constantly checking the protien skimmer (like ALL the time) Well, he failed to put the skimmer back together properly one time and it began...
  3. kalisad


    Thank you very much for your response. I fed the anenome today with a turkey baster (squid) After of course I dug him out from underneath the rock (the rock forms a dome) dont want people to think he's getting smashed. He was really responsive to that. The squid stuck to the tentacles and he...
  4. kalisad


    Yes, I did say 64 watts. This is a very frustrating hobby because everyone tells me different information. The guy at our LFS told us that we possibly had too much lighting in our tank and that is what caused our last anenome to die. This one has been in our tank for about one week now. If...
  5. kalisad


    Hi Mike, thank you for your reply. Sorry for the delay in my response but I haven't been able to get on this site for some reason. I haven't noticed the anenome eating; however, we were told it is a filter feeder and were given a liquid to put in the water. We have a 55 gallon tank and 50 lbs...
  6. kalisad


    I purchased a seabae anenome on Tuesday 2/18/03. When I first put it in the tank it was going all over the place and I was assuming it was finding its niche. It seems that it is always upside down or latching on to the rock with it's tentacles (I don't know what they are called) but I am...
  7. kalisad

    Painting back of tank

    sorry if this is a dumb question but are all of you spray painting the back of your tank? How many coats? Kalisa
  8. kalisad

    naso tang has ich

    Well, I just discovered this am that my naso tang has some white spots on him (he even has them on his lips!) He has been eating regularly. I am going to pull him out of my main tank and put him in the Q tank. The question is the Q tank is only 10 gallons and this is a medium sized tang. I...
  9. kalisad


    TerryB: What kind of paint can kill a tank and what is safe to use? Kalisa
  10. kalisad

    HUGE PORBLEM HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

    Cool, You added too many fish at once. I would take the puffer and lion out immediately and back to the pet store. The damsels might be able to survive....someone else will give an opinion on that. I think the rule of thumb is to only add one or two fish at a time. Good luck Kalisa
  11. kalisad

    long nosed hawk fish

    Thanks for the reply. I was noticing that some people on the message board were saying they had a long nosed hawk with shrimp and I thought I remembered reading that it isn't safe to keep them together. I guess it's okay to hope! I really like those guys.
  12. kalisad

    long nosed hawk fish

    Is it safe to keep a long nosed hawk fish with snails, cleaner shrimp and hermit crabs? Thanks!
  13. kalisad

    appropriate diet for naso tang

    I bought a beautiful naso tang a few days ago; however, my local pet store didn't have the seaweed selects brown algae. I read that you can feed the naso tang nori seaweed strips --->purchased from the grocery store. I bought the nori strips until the pet store gets the brown seaweed selects...
  14. kalisad

    Naso Tang

    I bought a medium sized naso tang today and he is currently in my 10 gallon Q-tank. I just noticed that he has some rather large white spots on him that he did not have (or maybe I didn't notice) when I purchased him at the pet store. I have been read that naso tangs have an extremely...
  15. kalisad

    Fish compatibilty...Suggestions.

    Stacy, I was just in pet barn yesterday and fell in love with the lemon peel angel....just have to wait for the levels in my hospital tank to be right. Where do you work? What do you have in your tank? Dont know if you were in pet barn recently but they are having a big sale on saturday. Kalisa
  16. kalisad

    Fish compatibilty...Suggestions.

    Hey Stacy, Just thought I would reply because Im from Merced too...almost fell out of my chair when i saw you were too.....where do you buy your fish?
  17. kalisad

    Q Tank

    Hi Ed, thank you for your reply. Does it matter that I took my water from my main tank and that has been cycled? Sorry if that is a dumb question but I am really new at this. If that isn't the case and the filter must be cycled (and it is a corner filter) how long does it need to run before...
  18. kalisad

    Q Tank

    I have a couple of questions re: Q Tanks/Show Tank I have had my show tank for approximately 2 months. It is a 55 gallon tank and I have 50 pounds of live rock with a protien skimmer. I am *trying* to go as slow as possible as I have a friend who overstocked her tank and lost all of her fish...