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  1. izzy69

    canister filter

    I feel ya...I'll do just that this week end thanks..
  2. izzy69

    canister filter

    oh ok i get it... so how often are you supposed to change out the pads???and does it matter what kind of pads i use??
  3. izzy69

    canister filter

    Hey so I had a question...I have had my tank for about a year know and I have been using a canister filter for mechanical and biological filtration.... I've been wanting to get some corals and what not....I have the light needed already....I guess my question is can I run the canister filter for...
  4. izzy69

    question about T5 lighting

    Thanks for the info guys...I ended up getting a four build aquatic life t5 ho.... that thing is whole floor around it is lit up and it is only sitting 3 inches above the tank ...hell the four led moonlights it has are bright
  5. izzy69

    question about T5 lighting

    Ok thanks a lot...I really dont like the MH but I guess I can check them out and see if they change my mind....or just might go with the 6 bulb tek...
  6. izzy69

    question about T5 lighting

    I was planning on getting ATI even with the 4 bulb fixture do u think it would be enough light to keep a anemone??
  7. izzy69

    question about T5 lighting

    Also ive heard that the reflectors on this fixture are a lot better than the cheaper models...I think I priced it at $340 for a six bulb fixture without bulbs....wouldn't that make a difference??
  8. izzy69

    question about T5 lighting

    Well I could get the six bulb fixture but it is 14" wide and my tank is only 12" would be kind of hard to feed dont u think...How high off the tank would u recommend having the light
  9. izzy69

    help with skimmer

    Ok thanks a lot I will definitely to that
  10. izzy69

    question about T5 lighting

    was looking to upgrade my lighting in my 55gal tank to hopefully be able to keep something esle than fish LOL... i have been looking at this T5 4x54 watts Tek light could anyone let me know about what i could keep with this light?? Thanks in advance
  11. izzy69

    help with skimmer

    ok so i recently added a HOB skimmer to my 55gal FOWLR. my question is that the skimmer has been running for about two and a half weeks and it has produced some coffee looking stuff...Is that how its supposed to work or is the stuff that goes into the collection cup supposed to be dry?? Any help...
  12. izzy69

    questions bout dry rock

    Rocks just showed up :) I'm getting ready to do a water change so I can get some saltwater to cure them in.....and I ran some tests and they read PH. 8.4 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5ppm I don't have a phosphate test yet but I ordered one so in the meantime I'll let the rocks soak for a few days...
  13. izzy69

    questions bout dry rock

    Ok I'll definatly check that out....I've been reading all the reviews of which that rock I ordered and they keep saying that they show no sign of phosphates so hopefully mine will be the same way.....cross my fingers LOL
  14. izzy69

    questions bout dry rock

    Ok thanks a lot for all you're guys help.....I would be lost without this forum.....I will update pics once I have everything in the DT:hi:
  15. izzy69

    questions bout dry rock

    also to add,,,the diatoms in my tank have gotten worse.... i shut off one of my lights and it seemed to help but it still isnt going no where.... should i be concerned or is it just normal and i should let it run its course???
  16. izzy69

    questions bout dry rock

    ok so i should be getting my dry rock in tomorrow. i'll get a tub and fill it with my water change water and test the water before and after the introducton of the dry rock. so how long do i need to soak them for anyway? do i wait til there is no phosphate reading or will all the phosohates stay...
  17. izzy69

    questions bout dry rock

    Its key largo .....and what reading will I be looking for anyway???
  18. izzy69

    questions bout dry rock

    Ok I will thanks a lot ....
  19. izzy69

    questions bout dry rock

    Ok thanks a lot guys are so helpful and I really appreciate it....=)so do I have to soak it in saltwater or just regular water would be fine????
  20. izzy69

    questions bout dry rock

    So I a 55 gal tank ....I have about 20lbs of live rock and I have the diatoms right now. I'm getting 50lbs of dry I just rinse out the dry rock and then add it straight to my tank or do I have to put it in a different container for a while before I put it in the display tank????? I...