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  1. jamerican

    Anyone else have seahorses?

    I have two seahorses in a seahorse only tank. (Had a saddleback clown in there but found another and put them together in a new tank) They are great! They eat almost anything I feed them. My male took a lot longer time to train than my female when it came to food but both had to be trained to...
  2. jamerican

    sea horses?

    I totally agree. My male does like to ride on a good current but I keep things tuned so that they're not pelted against the glass. He loves to go to one side and jump up and down, thus I named him Pogo. Their tank is pretty tranquil and my only worry with my setup is that Pogo likes an...
  3. jamerican

    sea horses?

    I have two seahorses, 1 male, 1 female for 5 months with no problems so far. I originally started them off in a 10g and now they're in a 29g. I have lr, ls, some caulerpa and some sea grass. All my water parameters remain at 0, they're hardy eaters (neither tank raised), eating, frozen mysis...
  4. jamerican

    Niger Trigger

    Nigers have individual personalities, like all fish and they're generally peaceful. However, I've had two who grew quite fast and large and as they grew they tended to run the tank, becoming quite aggressive. There was always plenty of food and one setup was 55 gal, 1 - 75 gal. One of my tanks...
  5. jamerican

    Just checking...

    I've had my seahorses for 4 months now and my girl especially is very friendly (except she keeps rebuffing my male's advances; thinking about one day adding another female since they don't live more than a few yrs.) and my clown stays mainly at the middle and top of the tank. They tend to hang...
  6. jamerican

    Just checking...

    After reading many posts, I thought I'd get some expert opinions on my tank to be on the safe side. I have a 29 gal, 30# live sand, 40# live rock, stocked w/2 seahorses, a small (juv) saddleback clown, and 6 blue legged hermits. I thought about adding a yellow watchman and calling it a day. I...