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  1. babygirl

    blue tipped Anemone

    thanx alot guys, the Clown went to the Anemone!
  2. babygirl

    water change

    People are always talking about 10% or 20% water changes. Are you ever suppose to do a 100% water change?
  3. babygirl

    blue tipped Anemone

    I purchased a Sebae Clown with a Long tentacle Anemone and the Clown loved it, he would not leave it.Unfortunately, the Anemone got stuck in my intake for my powerhead. (I will never make that mistake again, I put a sponge in it). So I purchased a Purple tipped Sebae Anemone. How long do u guys...
  4. babygirl

    anemone help!!

    I can see the intake cap inside the Anemone. The tentacles are all stuck inside it. I doubt it can spit it out. Should I get something and try to get it out? Or just leave it in there?
  5. babygirl

    anemone help!!

    thanks everyone for the help. What can I do in the future to prevent this from happening again?
  6. babygirl

    anemone help!!

    SHould I leave the cap in there? If he is goin to die anyways should I go ahead and take him out before he pollutes my tank? Help please!
  7. babygirl

    anemone help!!

    So I should leave the intake cap inside him?
  8. babygirl

    anemone help!!

    One piece of his tentacle fell off. Now he is on the ground with the intake cap inside. Is there anything I can do to get the cap out or should I just wait?
  9. babygirl

    anemone help!!

    My long tentacle anemone got sucked into my powerhead intake. I tried to nudge it out with my fish net now it has the intake cap in its body. Engulfed inside it. What should I do? Please help!
  10. babygirl


    Thanx OfALegend but what if he really is stuck? Is this death for him?
  11. babygirl


    Can a sea anemone move around and get stuck between some rocks then die? I mean will getting stuck kill it cause it doesnt like where its at? I have this Long Tentacle Sea Anemone and its in between some rocks and it looks like it might be trying to get out. But it cant.
  12. babygirl


    Can you see copepods. What if you dont have any in your sand. Is there a way to create them in an established tank for my Goby to eat?
  13. babygirl


    yes it is. Any suggestions anyone for a 10 gallon with a anemones. I see these ppl with a 10 gallon with sea anemones and I wonder what type of lighting they use. Also where do they get it.
  14. babygirl


    I just want a lighting with K 5500 at least and 50 watts
  15. babygirl


    Does anyone know what type and where I can purchase a VHO, Power compact, or Halide lighting system for a 10 gallon tank?